Joomla! Template 002063 - Item Support

Hi, I'm testing this template to my website before you buy but the menu in the as-position-1 position appears vertically rather than horizontally and appears amiss, as in the sample template, which I have to do to fix it ? Thank you.
How do I change the template logo. I tried using the template manager but nothing worked.

Everything should work just fine using the template logo configuration parameters. Please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel, we would like to check this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
I uploaded my logo in the media gallery (logo.png). I also need to update the footer.logo.png.

We checked your site, the top logo you can upload using the template configuration parameters without any problems.
The footer logo you can change by replace the following file:

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for updating my header logo. I uploaded the new footer.logo.png, refreshed and there is still no change to the footer images on the website. I uploaded the file to the address you sent me from my GoDaddy hosting account.

Am I missing something?


Please ignore my previous message. I got it. Thanks again.

I know AStemplates are sold for one Joomla!-page only - but if I build a new page on one server and then move it to another to be published, the template moves aswell, as part of the Joomla-package, doesn't it?

I am going to purchase the 002063 - will I get proper instructions to use it aswell? I don't know for example how to use the boxes in as-position 6 that is how to put my own pictures, texts and links there.

Thank You for helping me to buy Your product!
You may use each individual item/design on a single website or on multiple websites depends on the purchased license type: regular or extended, belonging to either you or your client. You may not use a regular license on multiple websites/projects.

You must to have some basic knowledge in Joomla and CSS, it is related to any templates are available on market now, but our templates are delivered with quick-start installation package, after installing this package your site will look exact like our demo page and you will be able to preview all the content, all the parameters and settings.

Regards, AS Team.

How can I change and what are the parameters to use the "animation speed" of the AS Menu module?
We are sorry, it has only one normal mode, there is no options to change it.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS Team,
I purchased the 002063-template and would like to use the quickstart in installing it to get the example data. My english is not as good as I thought, because I dont seem to understand, does the package include the Joomla! itself too? I already have Joomla! on the server, do I have to remove it first to det the template installed?
The installing seems to be very difficult compared to other templates I have used. Is ther no way I could install the template in extensions management as usual?
Regards, Susanna
Yes, the quick-start installation package includes Joomla. Before installing the quick-start package please be sure you have deleted all files from the previous Joomla installation, then upload the package on your server, unzip it and proceed with installation like regular Joomla installation, do not forget about the sample data at the final step of the installation.

Regards, AS Team.
Can I have a COMMENTS section where users can enter comments on my blog pages or on posted topics?
We are sorry, our template doesn't have such component.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, AS Team,
I put some of my own photos to the slider folder, and the slider finished working - it just kept freshing itself but the pictures never appearewd. Then I removed my photos from the folder - still doesn't work.
What do I do now to get my own photos to the slider AND slider woprking?
Please be sure that you have the same file names, or you have to set new intro images in the slider articles, for example the home slider articles you can find in your Joomla admin panel -> Content -> Article manager -> Under 'Slider Home' category.

Regards, AS Team.

I would like to reduce the space at the bottom of my HOME page between the as-position6 and as-position23 (last two positions before my footer module as-position30). How can I do this? My temp site is at

Thanks for a great template!
You may to reduce it by editing tmpl.default.css file the following classes:

.page-item, .page-featured {
padding-bottom: 25px;

#content-row .container {
padding-bottom: 30px;
padding-top: 20px;

But it may reduce the space on all other pages.

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry, another question. I have changed the template colour in the default template css file to orange. However, the top social media links (as-position1) still have a hover-over colour of red. Which file can I change this colour in? The bottom social media links in the footer have been changed to the new colour orange.
(my temp site:

Thank you!
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Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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