Joomla! Template 002063 - Item Support

As we posted in the previous post you have to create a menu items for each of your articles like you did for services page.
It is not responsive because of changes in css, here is an example:

#featured-row .container {
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: 0;
padding-left: 240px;

favicon.ico you have to put in the template's root folder:

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS Team,

So you suggest that I have to delete the padding and use the fourth box. Is it any other option in this case?

The favicon.ico is already in the root folder. I also deleted the cache memory of the browser. I tried a couple of times and it is not working. That is why I am asking in which file to insert it so I can see it.


We do not see the ico, it should be here:

Please delete the left padding and set bootstrap column size for the modules to 4 instead 3, the parameter you can find under the module Advanced options.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS Team,

thank you very much for the help and for the fast answers!!!

The file of the favicon that I generated was not right, I just created a new one and it worked.

I changed the advanced options from 3 to 4 and now are the boxes responsive as well.

But I am still stucked only at one thing and this are the two boxes on the home page. The text after the readmore button appears not in a new window but on the homepage under the boxes.
For the services menu i did not create a new menu item. I just checked yesterday again my steps and they are the same for each box.
What do you mean exactly with two menu items like for the services??? If I create two new items they will appear in the main menu, of course I can hide them but it is just not working.

I hope you could help me further in details by the last problem!

Thanks in advance, you are great!


You can create a new menu with menu items which is not necessary to publish on your website.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

i created two menu items and connected them to the articels in position 6. It is still not working.

Please take a look at it once again and I hope we can find a solution!


Please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel, the access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your As account.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

i put the access info in the Special info area.


In which menu you have put your articles menu items and what is the items names?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

1. Menu item: Profile-to references (article: Our References)
2. menu item: contact-us-profilepage (article: Contact Us)


But you have to create a new menu, please see our previous post, and in this menu new menu items, the menu items should be published, just do it.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, AS Team!

I'm hoping to add a background picture to header top row (logo's background) - how can I do that?
I added:
background-image: url(../images/background_main.jpg);
to the line 1680 in template css, but the template doesn't seem to find the photo since it's not in the template images folder.

What can I do?

- Susanna
You have to upload the image in the template 'images' folder.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS team,
thank you for your help regarding the picture issue!

Now I have another odd problem: I have three news flash modules on my frontpage. Two of them work properly, but the third, similar module leads to a page that has the correct article but also all the frontpage modules - and I have selected the frontpage modules to be shown ONLY on the frontpage - this is very confusing and I have tried to recreate the article, the category and the module over and over again, but it does not help. What is wrong?

- Susanna
You have to create a menu item for your article or category of articles under the article is located. Only in such way you will be able to manage module assignment.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello again and thank you - creating a menu item solved the problem!

Is there a way to change the color of the headings? It would be a nice way to add some color to the text pages.
- Susanna
The color you can change by editing css files, you can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla or Opera Fireblug plugin:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

I have problems with the contact form, it is not working and now by changing the sender information the last conatct us page disappeared completely and the domainname is again the old one. Could you please advise me which old settings there were (sender information: from address, reply to address)


What error message do you receiving, can you please provide us with more info? Have you checked Joomla documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

please take a look at the 404 error page when I click on the page contact us in the main menu:

I just changed the infos to try something - after that appeared the 404 error. I have changed:
Components - AcyMailing - Configuration - Sender Information - From Address - Reply to Address

Please take a look and tell me what is wrong!


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