Joomla! Template 002065 - Item Support

Hi AS-Designing Team,
I have already done some changes to customize the template to my customer's requirements, like font, colors etc. Is it advisable to install the new release of the template, nevertheless?
Or should I download the package and just take the files updated in the release, as you listed on the News page?

And at least basically for the future: Do I have to go to the extensions menu and install the whole quickstart package or just the template package or just the files you told? Or do I have to do something different?

Thank you for your help and best regards
You have to download the latest version from your AS account and upload on your server updated files listed on the News page only.
Please do not forget about backup if you made any changes in the template source code files.

Regards, AS Team.
I am testing it on the localhost. This is what I have used to test a lot of your quickstart before uploading them online
Sorry, without to see the problem we can't help you, we think you have some problems with your server configuration, please read the following past, hope it will help you:

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you very much, I have uploaded the updated files respecting the changes I have done to some of them and everything is fine!
Best regards!
How can I change the background of this template to an image of my choice?
You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla or Opera Fireblug plugin:

Regards, AS Team.
I would like to remove the green box or change to transparent, cannot locate where to do this, looked in CSS Files, thanks for any help

Hello MARK62269,
Green box in which position?
You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla or Opera Fireblug plugin:

Regards, AS Team.
At the module on poistion 6, (article id 126) after the text, Read More is not showing lathough the demo content has Read More in the article.
What is your site url please, we have to see this problem.

Regards, AS Team.
On the featured article (Our advantages) , from where do we change the images. Can the image name be also changed.
The images comes from the css, these classes you can find them in the tmpl.default.css file on line 2293:

.page-featured .advantage_1
background-image: url("../images/ico.adv1.png");

Regards, AS Team.

I'm trying to configure main menu on as-position-1. It is impossible in free version? I just get small palm tree above green menu item letters. It is not like in template demo. It is not centered, letters are green, just like background etc..
I can not imagine that the main menu is not included in the free version
The URL is:

even the demo at :

The tempalte is designed without the button, but you can enable it in the module, see 'Read more...' Link parameter.

Regards, AS Team.
When I try to over write an article (which is in the sample data), the following shows on the page:


Save failed with the following error: Invalid Parent ID

This is a Joomla error message which can berelated to your server configuration, or cache, try to create a new article with the same content and delete the previous.
Here is what we found about this problem on joomla forum:

Regards, AS Team.
On the about us link, two articles are showing. ow to show just one.
Module: News Pro GK4
How do I change the images.
I created on image for the size 360 x 200 px. Went to Content -manager--selected category hot deals--selected one article.---Images and links--changed the intro image with mine .
when saved and viewed in front end the size of my image was showing as 800 px height whereas I had uploaded the 360 x 200 px size image.

where was I wrong.
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