Joomla! Template LT School - Item Support

This template also has the Quickstart version?
Hi, I have already installed the Joomla 3.0 version on my website. How do I install the quickstart package? I might have a documentation.
Thank you
Hi, when I do the installation using the kickstart, at the end of the kickstart process if I try to direct me to the installation folder, it gives me ERROR 404.
I might have a quickstart version that does not use kickstart.
Buenas tardes.

Tengo un problema con la plantilla, al subirla al servidor cuando descomprimo el paquete que ustedes me proporcionan hay archivos incompletos.

Compre la versión ilimitada.

Necesito soporte urgente.
Les escribí al correo que me facilitaron, espero respuesta.
Muchas gracias por la asistencia, muy amable.

Por el correo les envié toda la información solicitada
Hola, porque el slide me sale con error en
La herramienta para cambiar los colores no aparece activada, y ninguno de los colores por defecto me interesan para mi sitio, ya compre la plantilla, como hago para personalizar los colores?.

Color picker Tool. disabled. None of the default colors interest me for my site, I already bought the template, how do I customize the colors?
Hello, I installed the Kickstart.php, and everything was normal, I have updated all modules. However i can't change Logo or anything.
Can I edit Kickstart, or it's just a sample, if it's possible edit so how to enable this edition.

Thank you, best regards.
Thank you for your tips, but where can I find your Documents with details Instruction, and do you also have a ModulePositions?

If you can send me the links or address, them I can get it.

Thank you from Brazil.

Best regards.
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Item Name:
LT School
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 4 Product
$29.00 $21.75
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
$39.00 $29.25
Extended License

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