Joomla! Template LT News - Item Support

I use this template with K2 and using the dutch language. Everything is translated accept the [read more]-button in the items when they are represented in a category.
When I use another template then it is ok so iI think it is a problem in LTNews.

I hope you can help me.
I bought this template and now I have no idea how this proposal from QUICKSTART Please install package for specific instructions
That's all I get , I could pack.

Thanks i already find the problem and now the template is working (you can see it on While i was working on it i find new problem - Title on the page (SOCCER) is not possible to change it. I think there is some bug cause i tried everything and can't find what is the issue.
Could you please check and help me with that?

Thank you in advance and have a nice day,
I had fellowed your advise but i can't find it. Could you please give me detail instruction (step by step)?
Thank you,
Hi. I just purchased the lt_news joomla template, but i don't have the slider news in the intallation pack. How can i get it?

I recently bought this template en after some recearch I managed to change the template to my wishes. and I like the template a lot.

One thing I can't fix is the category view within K2.
I made the settings to show only images and to show two columns.
But the template won't let me show multiple columns in the categorie view.

I know this is a template issue, because other (default) templates, show the items correct in multiple columns.
Could you help my on my way?

Thank you in advice.

Kind regards
I send you the details via the contact form on your ( website.

Kind regards
Where is the How To section? Where I could find some information about Template Module Positions or Modules Configuration?
Comment in status pending...

It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.
When I entering extensions - modules - Home slider JO K2 - i only see title and image of the slider. nothing i can do... there is no option to manage that slider... I thought that there is some kind of mistake, so i delete whole website from the server and run akeeba kickstareter...
But now i have the same problem - only title and image...
I have a problem with comment module because I can not turn off avatar display and I can not see the content of the comment. There is the date of the addition, the name of the author, but you can not see the content.

See link to the article below:

Is there any possibility to change the configuration fo the comment or I should change the code at modules/mod_k2_comments/tmpl?

And what about content of the comment?
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Item Name:
LT News
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 4 Product
$29.00 $21.75
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
$39.00 $29.25
Extended License

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