Joomla! Template LT Fitness - Item Support


the SP Portfolio is used in the Template. I'm able to change the Sitetitle (Sitedescription) for the module. But how can i change the single Titles for the seperate articles? The Sitelinks are automatically generated by the Portfolio Module.

I'm sorry. I don't think about the title of the article. That's clear so far.

I like to change the sitetitle which is shown up in the tab of an browser. For example chrome or safari. There stands the site title which is defined in the configuration for the site.
But I need separate description for die portfolio articles. Same like for menu.

Thank you
Hello Ltheme,

I'am a little bit confussed.

Ps. sorry for my english.

I have installed joomla (dutch already on my server, know I wan't to make a instalation for the template like the demo site, Must I do this with the kickstart?? because i understand its going to instal a version of joomla also?

What must I do??

thanks already!

greetzs Martijn

I have several sites running and this is the first site with akeeba. and after 10 times it stil won't work

Each time I get a error after the instalation. isn't there anaother option to instal with demo site!

Like the oyhter one uses. I realy need to go build this site and there is know luck for me @ all to figher it out..

I hope you can help me!

the site i must aprosh tru IP adres becase the URL is still running on another host. but that can't be the problem!

greetsz martijn
Hello People,

Where can I ujust the icons in the position promo bloks there is nothing to see in the source code. When I read the code in the browser I see the icons in the span, but how can I select the icons for each block!

And why is the menu in the main page staing on top of the page, and al the other pages its going away when I scroll.
I realy need the menu always displayd

Yeh oke

Know I have this

[row id="lt_promo" class="lt_promo"] [col class="span3"]

[icon class="icon-glass"][/icon]

SalsaSporta is een combinatie tussen dans en workout. Het opzwepende Latin ritme zorgt voor losse heupen, voor verbranding op de buik en spierversterking.De focus ligt echter niet op het leren van pasjes, maar op een sportieve workout. Het beste van 2 werelden!

[/col] [col class="span3"]

The wierd thing is that I know see the house ?? an the icon isnt going threu the line like before the border on top of it!

here you can see how it looks like

i hope you can help me a little bit further

the login is in the mail!
You already got all the settings for also maiking the sticku menu! see upper post!
I olso send a reply, the sticky menu only comes when you scroll alot down, pages that include only 2 times the screen won't see the menu? :(

I hope you have a anwser for this!
In the main page there are 4 bloks when you go over the collor is changing, but can I meke these bloks linked to diffrent articles,

Know I have a blok Yoga, this one must go to the yoga page etc.
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Item Name:
LT Fitness
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 4 Product
$29.00 $21.75
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
$39.00 $29.25
Extended License

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