Joomla! Template 002074 - Item Support

Hello PETR1979,
What is your site url please, we have to see it in case to help you.
For installing Czech language please see the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

my site url:, pages are under construction. I succesfully installed czech language - thank you. Petr
Hello PETR1979,
1. The background pictures you can change by selecting another images in modules published in position 3:
2. The location you can change by editing longitude and latitude parameters under the GoogleMap plugin location settings tab, for all available options please see the plugin documentation:
5. Change number of columns you can in your Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main menu -> Menu item (About Us) -> Blog Layout -> Columns.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, is the Gallery not included in the free version (as shown in the demo version)? Can't find it in the modules configuration. Thank you.
It comes with quick-start package, the package is included in the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
Please help. I have installed the premium quick-start package of the template. I have been customizing and everything looks great but the sub navigation won't work beyond one down. If you see you will see that the subnav only works for bio but not for the 2 under (can't click on it). If you click on the booking link, you'll see that it does work because there is nothing in the position 6 module position. I can't seem to find the css for that position anywhere. Please point me in the right direction for where the css styling would be for those custom html with the Suffix of purple.
It seems you have some jQuery conflict between the menu and published extensions on this page, try to disable one-by-one latest published extensions on this page in case to find the problematic one.

Regards, AS Team.
I will try that. I didn't think of jQuery as the problem but can you also tell me where the css styling for those Position6 modules (purple, green, etc.) It doesn't seem to be in the tmpl.default.css file.
It didn't have anything to do with the jQuery. I found the styling and fixed it:

In the tmpl.default.css file, I found the styling for that header:


padding: 250px 0 100px;
margin: 150px 0 50px; (could leave the same px as above)

And that stopped that layer from blocking the navigation from working.
Hello AS-Template-Team,

before i will buying 002074 - Item one question: Can i change the colors of the as-position 6 (Featured Home and other) individual?
Thx and best regards!
Of course you can. You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla or Opera Fireblug plugin:

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,

I created the file pt-BR.tpl_as002074.ini in the pt-BR language folder but I still have no translation for the READ MORE buttons.

Would you mind informing how to translate them?


Marcos M. da Silveira
Have you installed the language package in your Joomla admin panel and then translated all constants in the pt-BR.tpl_as002074.ini file?

Regards, AS Team.
I am trying to convert my site to run on https but when I run it through it shows lots of references to rather than

Is this coming from the template and if so is there a way to have it use the https for the google fonts?
Google API fonts links you can find and replace with 'https' in the template's fonts.php file.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks. Going forward, as Google are keen to get everyone on to https, it would be nice if this was an option in the template one could select (to use http or https for google fonts) :-)
Dear AS-Team,
I am working on two different templates at the moment and since you have already provided me with tipps and assistance I have another question:
Although I have installed the firebug and found the default.temp.css I can't manage to find the part in this file where I can change the color of the boxes (wrapper of items). There are several different colors that must be changed to only one. Can you give me a clue to proceed in my effort of modifiying the template?

Harald Lohmann

P.S.: Still, notification doesn't work.
Please see tmpl.default.css file, starting from the line 2398, the following class:

#featured-row .mod-newsflash-adv .item_num0
background: rgba(100, 188, 238, 0.9) none repeat scroll 0 0;

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks, so easy if one knows where to search.
Harald Lohmann
I have a question with the module newsflash advanced.
I have installed via quickinstall with all your demo files. Then I used the demo module and changed content, categories.
You can see the module on home. It show three different articles. When I click on one it opens below but still showing the other articles above.
This is different in your demo and I would like to know what I have toi change.
Thanks for your assistance and kind regards,
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