Joomla! Template 002074 - Item Support

The template has color styles for 6 boxes only, you can find them in tmpl.default.css file (line 2398):

#featured-row .mod-newsflash-adv .item_num5 {
background: rgba(53, 188, 122, 0.9) none repeat scroll 0 0;
#featured-row .mod-newsflash-adv .item_num4 {
background: rgba(95, 182, 183, 0.9) none repeat scroll 0 0;
#featured-row .mod-newsflash-adv .item_num2 {
background: rgba(255, 159, 0, 0.9) none repeat scroll 0 0;
#featured-row .mod-newsflash-adv .item_num0 {
background: rgba(100, 188, 238, 0.9) none repeat scroll 0 0;
#featured-row .mod-newsflash-adv .item_num1 {
background: rgba(181, 112, 162, 0.9) none repeat scroll 0 0;
#featured-row .mod-newsflash-adv .item_num3 {
background: rgba(250, 77, 96, 0.9) none repeat scroll 0 0;

You have to add css for additional boxes in the same way.

Regards, AS Team.
It work perfectly ! Thank you so much !
Good morning,

I'm experimenting the same issue as few day ago : on the main page of the template, i have the featured articles in the colored box. When i click on one article ( read more) the article doesnt appear in a new frame but appear at the bottom of the page. It's like if nothing happened.. the page doesn't even scroll down to lead the customer to ther article. It stay fixed on the home page and featured articles.
I don't know what happened cause few hours ago it worked perfectly and i didn't do anything today but writing articles.


Here is my webpage adress :
You have to create a menu item for your article, only then you will be able to manage module assignment.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello !
I'm really dumb.. i forgot to set the site online to show you.. sorry..

Actually, the menu item is already created. I simply used the one that was already in place. I only changed images and text. It worked perfectly previous days and suddenly yesterday the pages decided to appear down as i explained before.

I let you see and i hope you will be able to help me again.. !


You have to check all assigned modules to this menu item, and disable the extra if needed.

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry i don't really understand.

This Module ( coloured squares ) is named " Featured Home" and only show articles from the category " Featured Home". This "coloured menu" is only assignated to the "Home" menu.

Are you trying to tell me to check modules assignated to the home page ?

The thing that i don't understand is that everything was Ok Yesterday morning and i didn't made something but :
• Disabling the AS art Slider from the Home menu and changing the liks in th module

• Changing introduction text in the violet square in homepage

• Changing " Our Service link" ath the bottom of the page

• Editing some articles

I didn't touched the menu on the home page... that why i don't understand why it changed. I had the same issue few days ago and i prefered to reupload entierly the website but now, i worked too much on it to do it again without understanding... Maybe coul i give you in private message my logs ? ( i can create a temporary one )
Don't mind... i canceled step by step the action i did yesterday and weirdly, it's the fact of changing the links in the our service menu at the bottom of the page....

Thank you for your assistance.

Hi, i am trying the free version of this template 002074, can you tell me how i get more "Featured Home" articles on the frontpage?

Instead of 6 i want 12 modules, maybe later more than that.

tnx Arthur

ok, just find it out myself, Next thing now, how do i get the look of the new ones the same as the other ones?

Sorry, find it also :-)
tmp.defailt.css line 2398 - add more lines

next thing, can i fix the size of these boxes? all the same hight?


Sorry but i can't find the solution for what i want.
Module Articles - Newsflash (as-position 6), i want one size for the hight for all the modules.

Can you give me a clue?

tnx Arthur
Hello ARTHURK1957,
We are sorry, we do not see any purchased items under your account, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
ok, first testing before bying ;-)
no problem, just find it.

line 1108 - add -> min-height: 500px;


i want to set my logo to center page.
can you help.
hi, i have a problem, when i click on read more, the article doesnt appear in a new frame but appear at the bottom of the page. This s my site:
I really dont know how to fix this. I used your quickstrat instalaton with sample data and i didnt change anything. Thx for your help. martin
We are sorry, we do not see any purchased items under your account, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
I would like to link the entries listed under Featured Home to another site that lists more (sub-)categories in the same style as Featured Home does. Couldn't figure out to do that yet, it links only to category's entries.

Any hints on this?
Sorry, the newsflash module does not have such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
Is it possible to replace the responsive dropdown for small resolutions with a hamburger menu (three bar icon) somehow? With AS Superfish Module? Or any other way?
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