Joomla! Template 002076 - Item Support

- how can I change settings of the home articles? like "testimoni", "discorsi ai giovani" and "lettera pastorale"... i mean.. if i want to add one articles, how can i show the home articles in 4 columns instead of 3?

- How can i change the dimensions of the wrapper modules? i have made a module called Newsletter, and when i publish it i have the scrollbars. how can i see all the windows without scrollbars?
thank you

regards, Giacomo Zoli.
the number of columns you can change using menu item layout parameters, for more info please see Joomla documentation:

The module width you can change using bootstrap column parameter under module advanced options.

Regards, AS Team.

Just checked my site on Safari browser and the carousel module doesn't display correctly. All ok on Chrome, haven't yet checked other browsers. -- home page.

Any suggestions gratefully received
Disregard my earlier query; the issue was caused by compression plugin.
OK, I've disabled the compression plugin. My last remaining problem is that the template does not resize properly on tablets -- or if you reduce the browser window. The text within newsflash articles does not resize as the frame narrows. The headings are cut off mid-word and the intro text flows onto additional lines causing the modules to be different length, which looks messy. Responsive is selected on the template options.

It depends on the number of characters in your title and text, it can be resolved by changing the font size only, you can do it by editing '/templates/as002076/css/media.980.css' file the following class:

h1, h2 {
font-size: 22px;

Change it to 20px.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks, with your suggestion and a bit of additional tinkering it works better now.
Hello , how can i turn off position-6 home "featured home" on last position MARKETING. The iSUUE is when i klik on first 3 of colums "invest, insurance, banking" this position is turned off but in MARKETING this module is there. This same with position-7 "welcome" and "call us" i checked module assignment but it is turned onli on home screen. how to turn it off on MARKETINGG PAGE?
You have to create a menu item for the last article like it is done for 3 first, only after you will be able to manage module assignment.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello please it is possible to change "Articles - Newsflash (Advanced)" to not show articles but categories? Or it is possible to send source code so i can look of that module add to custom html modul??? I like that look and 4 column, but need to add custom urls so i was able to link it where i want?? thanks for help.
Sorry, there is no such option.

Regards, AS Team.
If y test my page with PageSpeed Insights i get error:
JavaScript and CSS resources that are blocking the rendering, in content "above the fold" eliminate (above the fold)
Your page has 18 blocking script resources and 14 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay when rendering your page.
No page content "above the fold" (visible without scrolling) could be rendered without having to wait for the loading of the following resources. Try to move blocking resources or asynchronous to load, or load-critical areas of these resources directly inline in the HTML.
Remove JavaScript that blocks the rendering:
I get a bad range. can i do something or you have some Update for the templates?

I have one question: The Logo in my header is 4 colums wide, which seems to much for the mobil sight, because on mobile it is only seen a part of the logo.
Is there a possibility to put in a seperate (smaler) Logo image only for use on mobil or what do I have to do that it fits on desktop AND on mobile.

Thank you a lot for your help.
Kind regards

First, you have too big logo, our suggestion is to resize it to 500px width and then change the wide to 6 columns for your logo and menu.

Regards, AS Team.
thank you for your tipp, but it does not work, if I resize the logo to 500px and go for 6 colums the menu will be not on the same level then the logo,. It will start a new line ....
Any other idea??

Kind regards
Hi, sorry to bother you again. I found out now how to minimize the menu to keep it on place, but nevertheless my mobile does not show the complete logo
kind regards
Your logo is too big because you set it to 200% width, please see 'templates/as002076/css/tmpl.default.css' file the following class:

#navigation-row img {
max-width: 200%;

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS-Team,

I don't want to show the whole section of the article "Strategy, Accounting, WorldWide, and Brokerage" on my front page. Whenever i try to unpublish them, the text "There are no articles in this category. If subcategories display on this page, they may contain articles" will be shown up is that section.

Thanks for your quick support

What is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS-Team,

This is my url,

Best regards,

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