Hi! I just bought the template and as far as I understand I install quickstart.zip and I get the template up and running. The thing is that I keep getting a 404 error (Sorry! The page you are looking for cannot be found. Please use the provided search box to find what you are looking for, click on our top navigational menu, or go back.) when trying to install in the backend panel. Can you help me with this?
Thanks in advance!
POSTED: 2018-05-04
You might have entered the live site url in the last steps of the installation. This should be left empty. In the meantime, I can assist with the installation- or at least assess what might have gone wrong during the installation. Kindly send the server login details including the database information to the e-mail address provided in the template user manual and I will also attempt to install the quickstart package.
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Thanks in advance!
You might have entered the live site url in the last steps of the installation. This should be left empty. In the meantime, I can assist with the installation- or at least assess what might have gone wrong during the installation. Kindly send the server login details including the database information to the e-mail address provided in the template user manual and I will also attempt to install the quickstart package.
Thank you
Kind Regards