Joomla! Template 002077 - Item Support

Your custom css you have to put in the style.custom.css file in the templates css folder.

Regards, AS Team.
Hola, he comprado esta plantilla, pero no me deja instalarla.

He creado la base de datos, cargado el quickstart en mi sitio, en una carpeta individual y desde ahí la he descomprimido.
Voy al link de instalación e ingreso los datos del paso 1, ingreso los datos del paso 2 de la base datos y en el paso 3 no tengo ningún valor en rojo. Luego ejecuto instalar y me muestra el mensaje de instalando, pero después de un rato regresa nuevamente a pedirme los datos del paso 3, sin ningún mensaje de error.
Pueden apoyarme por favor, me urge instalar esta página. Gracias
Hello EVEADA2014,
Please be sure your server meets minimum server requirements, please see table at the bottom of the following page:
Especially please check Recommended PHP settings.

Regards, AS Team.
Estoy segura de que cumple con todos los requerimientos de php, todos aparecen en verde en el momento de la instalación y ya he instalado recientemente plantillas en este servidor y no he tenido ningún problema. Solamente con esta plantilla que he descargado recientemente.

Hello EVEADA2014,
Please check and increase if needed the following parameters on your server:

max_execution_time = 300

Regards, AS Team.
Estos parámetros se encuentran bien. Como repito, ya he instalado plantillas en este servidor antes sin ningún problema.

Cuando se instala, simplemente dice instalando y después de unos 20 minutos regresa al paso No. 3 sin ningún mensaje de error.
La barra de instalación está llena hasta la mitad y ahí se queda.
Hello EVEADA2014,
For checking this issue we need an access to your server via FTP or cPanel, the access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
you have suggested to me to:
"Your custom css you have to put in the style.custom.css file in the templates css folder."

BUT the file style.custom.css is not loaded automatically with my template. I have searched it in the source code of my page. There are a lot of other css files from the template but not style.custom.css
It should be here: 'templates/as002077/css/style.custom.css'
For checking and fixing this issue can you please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel? The access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
He colocado la información solicitada en el áres de "Special Info". Agradeceré su apoyo lo más pronto posible.
Lindo dia.
Quiero confirmarles que ya he logrado instalar la plantilla. Realmente no hice ningún cambio, solamente que hoy ya me indicó que lo pudo realizar.
Les agradezco mucho su apoyo!

Concerning the request of SAMIELIXIR:
good idea to use some "style.custom.css" but unfortunately
in index.php somewhere about line 160 the Code is missing that should include style.custom.css.
(something like: <link href="<?php echo 'templates/'.$this->template.'/css/custom.styles.css'?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />)

Maybe you could fix this so we wouldn't have to add this line manually on every installation of the template.
thx in advance,
Just updated the template and added the option for uploading custom css, the list of updated files you can preview here:

Regards, AS Team.
In my template I can provide some HREF to a Google Font, which is nice. But how do I select the new Font in the section for Body and Heading Font Family (or should this be done somewhere else)?

If it is a Google font you have to add it in the fonts.php and templateDetails.xml file see lines 248 and 347.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for your quick Response and the fix!

Sorry that I have to reopen the issue with style.custom.css.
In your implementation this stylesheet is no loaded as the last one. At least in my configuration sequence.css and superfish.css are included afterwards.
This makes it impossible to override styles defined there.

Could you please change your code to include style.custom.css as the last one?

thx again,
concerning style.custom.css I wanted to ask if you plan to improve the current implementation by including style.custom.css as the last stylesheet (see my last posting) or if you leave it as it is currently implemented.

Would be very helpful for future updates if you did change it.

Thx in advance,
Unfortunately it cannot be done in Joomla templates.

Regards, AS Team.
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