Joomla! Template 002077 - Item Support

For checking the issue with bullets in module position content-1 we need an access to your Joomla admin panel, the info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

The template module positions you can preview here:

It is disabled for devices with screen resolution less than 979px, you can enable it in 'templates/as002077/css/media.979.css' and 'templates/as002077/css/media.767.css' files, please look for the following class:
#back-top {
display: none;

The responsiveness comes from Bootstrap Framework, but you can rewrite it using the template media css files.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you very much for the support, very helpful.

We notice that there is no language switcher position available. Is it possible to install one?
You can pit it and config in as-breadcrumbs position, probably you will need to add some custom css.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS Team,

I have some troubles setting up the reCAPTCHA v2 in my template.

As the instructions found on your Blog look to be old (referring to v1), I would like to ask you if there is something that I miss in my settings :
- activated the Plugin and introduced the API Site Key & Secret Key
- in Global Config I have set the default captcha-recaptcha
- in the User Options I have also chose for captcha-recaptcha.

If I choose reCAPTCHA v1 in the Plugin, I have the icon in my Contact Form - but the v1 is no longer supported by Google, so I am obliged to choose for v2 - but does not appear in my Contact Form.

Do you have any suggestion?

Joomla support reCAPTCHA V2. It should work. Have you made new site and secret keys via the Google website? The old (v1) keys will need to be replaced with newly generated keys.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS team,

I had generated a new site and secret Keys via Google website and added in the Plugin, but as I said, did not work. I've noticed two things:
1. Main Home Menu uses as External URL a module named Contact Us made with your AS Contact Form (there reCAPTCHA v2 does even not appear after I pressed Required Captcha (which is my concern)
2. In the Main Sub Menu where Contact section has been created as a Menu Item Type from "Single Contact", the reCAPTCHA v2 it's working.


Please provide us with ann access to Joomla Admin panel via Special Info text-area in Your AS Templates account.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS team,

You have the information there.
Can you also check the issue described before with the WHY bullets from module position content-1? We have removed them because they were not properly displayed, but we would like to have them.

By the way, we have upgraded to Joomla 3.7.1 (having PHP 7.0) and I experience that on desktop view we cannot access any more the Articles, while on mobile (iphone) this is possible. Do you have any suggestion?
Dear AS team, coming back regarding accessing the Articles on the desktop view - I have identified that it's because of the Browser. I use Safari, but in Google Chrome it's working fine. I just need to refresh Safari, I suppose.
Have you had time to look into reCaptcha v2 in AS Contact Form that we use in the Main Home Menu?
Hello AS support.

My website using template 002077 (which I purchased) is working well except for one issue.

The mobile functionality of AS Superfish Menu is not working. Specifically, the "hamburger" appears, but is non-functional.

Many thanks,

Try to reinstall it, hope it will help you.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS team,

As I haven't received any update from you regarding AS Contact Form to accept reCaptcha v2, I just want to let you know that I am going to remove it tomorrow from my site. Pity that AS team could not solve this.
Hello AS team,

I experience an issue that I would not have expected, since you promote that your templates are responsive. By accessing Mobile-Friendly test by Google, the result is : page is not mobile friendly!
Also this message appears below the URL in Google Search.

Can you please indicate if there is something that I missed in the set-up of the template?

Just checked our demo preview, it is fully support mobile devices. You should receive from Google a list of issues on your website which should be fixed, you have to check them and fix accordingly.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS team,

Then it's very weird

Do you have any idea why due to some JS and CSS files things go wrong?

Could not load 22 pages like these :


dear team i have installed the template via quick install.
it sirht supper from only the main menu shows me always the current position bspw blog gallery ec but the links do not work (# content-row-4)
what can be the reason? and how can I solve the problem?
to look I have in special infos a user deposited.
Just checked your website, all links are working, the gallery in position 4 is also working, have you managed to resolve the problem?

Regards, AS Team.
Actually not with me it still still does not work properly
Can you please provide us with more info?

Regards, AS Team.
I use the template 002077. Everything ran super. I have the problem, which in the mobile view on the mobile phone, the Readmore lines are no longer displayed in the slider.
It is displayed normally on the PC and tablet.
Do you have an explanation?

Best regards

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