Joomla! Template 002083 - Item Support

I have the problem with gallery sorting. It works fine for categories but not for the articles. What should I check?
Hello AN123NA,
The article sorting should work inside category, what is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.
sorting not working for articles

sorting working for categories
Hello AN123NA,
Can you please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel? The access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AN123NA,
1. There is no option to sort leading articles, you can sort intro articles only.
2. To show all categories you have to increase number of intro articles, otherwise the third category you will be able to preview on one of the next pages.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you a lot, all is clear now :)
Please tell me also where I can find the isotope gallery module?
Or it is integrated and not visible ?
Hello AN123NA,
Yes, you are right, it is integrated and not visible.

Regards, AS Team.

I have one question. How can I add more tha five items to postition as-content-2 on the HOMEPAGE ? I have add more than five Menütitems but there are only the first five items with a black background.

Greetins Sascha
In the 'templates/as002083/css/tmpl.default.css' file after the line 2426 please add the following:

#content-row-2 .moduletable ul li.num5,
#content-row-2 .moduletable ul li.num6,
#content-row-2 .moduletable ul li.num7,
#content-row-2 .moduletable ul li.num8,
#content-row-2 .moduletable ul li.num9,
#content-row-2 .moduletable ul li.num10
background: #262525 none repeat scroll 0 0;
transition: transform 0.5s ease 0.3s;

Regards, AS Team.
Please tell me why slider disappear on mobile version in vertical position? Is it possible to set minimum width ?
Hello AN123NA,
There is no space for the slider on mobile devices, it is impossible to show it with text, too small.
You can enable it in 'templates/as002083/css/media.480.css' file the following class:

#slider-row {
display: none;

Regards, AS Team.

where can I change the Background Image ""

and is it possible to make it responsive for an ipad or something else ? When I open it on an ipad ( than I see only a little part of the picture.

It does not look so good.

Greeting Sascha
Just put your image with the same file name.
Sorry, there is no option to make it responsive.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello again,

I have one more problem with the template.
The website can't be scrolled down fluently, it sometimes get stucked.

I hope you can help me.

opened with Firefox.

Greetings Sascha
Your site looks god, do you have any screenshots?

Regards, AS Team.

I can not do a screenshot of a moving action. When I scroll down it do it not so smooth. When I scroll down it stop sometimes at the middle of the page or something like that.

Greetings Sascha
Everything is fine, try to clear your browser cache, or preview it on another PC.

Regards, AS Team.

OK. I will try. Thank you for the quick response.

Greetings Sascha
Good Morning. I just purchased this template and did not appear in the " My Purchased Items" section. Is there a problem ? Thank you.
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