Joomla! Template 002083 - Item Support


when i activate the newsflash article, my site is not work. Can u help for this problem?
We are sorry, we do not see any purchased items under your account, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
I am looking to purchase this template and had a question about the company header top left of the menu (EXCAVATOR). Is is possible to use a logo image here or is it a text only option?

Thank you!
Yes, you can use it as a logo image, it can be done via the template parameters page.

Regards, AS Team.
Buenas noches, estoy subiendo mi sitio hecho con esta plantilla en mi servidor hosting y al importar la base de datos me vota un error, que me dicen en el hosting que debo revisar con ustedes que son los autores de la plantilla.

les solicito su colaboración., el error es:

consulta SQL:


MySQL ha dicho: Documentación

#1231 - Variable 'character_set_client' can't be set to the value of 'NULL'


Hello LUZM2016,
We are sorry, we do not see any purchased items under your account, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
I buy this temlate 002083 extended license.
hello, i find a bug in this template. when you scroll in the mobile version with iphone you can see on the top a wihte place. also in demo version. please try it not on the home site but all another sites. can you fix this bug or please tell me how i can do myself. thank you
Hello CHRLOR7,
Can you please provide us with a screenshot of the problem?

Regards, AS Team.
Ya solucioné el problema de la base de datos, pero ahora sale que la plantilla no está disponible y no deja ver el sitio, en el hosting me dicen que ustedes son quienes deben darme solución a este problema y les reitero, yo si pague, no es una plantilla que haya bajado gratuitamente.
Hello LUZM2016,
We are sorry, our support is available for the premium version only, we are not providing support for the free version.

Regards, AS Team.
where i can send this screenshot?

you can find this bug also when you scroll this template in mobile version with iphone and safari browser. scroll short time up and down and look on the top you can see it. all sites but not home site. thank you.

where i can send this screenshot?
Hello CHRLOR7,
The screenshot you can upload on your server and provide us with a link to the screenshot.

Regards, AS Team.

after scroll up and down in mobile version with iphone and safari browser
Hello CHRLOR7,
Thank you for the info. The issue can be fixed by adding into media.767.css file the following class:

#menu-row + div[style]
display: none;

You can provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel and we will do it for you, the access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Buenas tardes, tengo un inconveniente al instalar mi sitio en servidor hosting, me sale un mensaje que la plantilla no está disponible... ustedes podrían colaborarme a solucionar este inconveniente...


Hello LUZMILA2016,
We are sorry, your club subscription does not include our support as indicated here:

You might want to upgrade your membership to get our competently free support, you may ask for upgrade here:

Regards, AS Team.
no puedo creer que pagando toda esa plata, no pueda ni bajar más plantillas ni tener soporte, diganme por favor por lo menos que versión de php exige esta plantilla, haber si es eso..

Hello LUZMILA2016,
The Joomla Technical Requirements you can preview here:

What do you mean by 'cannot download more templates'? Your club subscription allows you to download 27 items designed and developed by author AS Designing, here you can preview all available for downloading items:

Regards, AS Team.
ok i put access in special info. the template name is
Krav_maga_west -not- AS 002083
Thank you
Hello CHRLOR7,
Please check, it should be OK now.

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
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Extended License

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