Joomla! Template 002085 - Item Support

What is your website url please? Which module and in which position you need to change the background?

Regards, AS Team.
How do I change the main logo?
Hello 427DART,
What is your website url please? Do you want to use an image instead text?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I have a problem with some modules.
I have my 3 square module in my homepage (AS Articles Newsflash in position AS-content-1), exactly like in the demo but I cannot link the module to an article who contain an other module (except if the module in the position AS-footer-2 or 3). It's doing like a refresh of my page and I stay on the homepage. However, if I link to an blank article who just contain text, I'll be redirected to the article like it should be. I have the same problem with my 3 round module in the homepage (Featured Menu), the link will work only if it's an article without module.

Can you please help me with this?
What is your website url please where we can see the problem?

Regards, AS Team.
Hey, I also have trouble changing the Main Logo on my Website. I can change the Logo (Template/Site/Layout/logo settings), but it does appear to be two parts, the actual logo on front and the leaf from the demo setup in the back. How can I change the leaf in the back?

Regards, Horst
We are sorry, we do not see any purchased items under your account, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
We purchased template item 002085 - Extended License and built our website with it. We have been told that we need to update our Joomla for security reasons. We currently have 3.4.8 and believe the latest is 3.6. If we update our website, will be run into any problems with the template? Your template is compatible correct?

The template us fully compatible with the latest Joomla version 3.6.5
Please be sure all extensions and components which were not included in the template package, if you have such, as well compatible with the latest Joomla version.
Before any update please do not forget about backup.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, my url is
Sorry, not quite understand, each module in the position 1 goes to some page, for example the module Impôts / Comptabilité goes to the page
The modules you have to assign to the page, you cannot assign modules in joomla to the articles.

Everything looks fine with your featured articles, the link goes to appropriate article.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS team,

Is it possible to disable the mobile_detect function?
This function seems to cause images to disappear from my homepage when visiting the site with a mobile device.

Hi, I changed it so you can see now. I linked my module in position 1 to go to my article Services ([...]index.php/our-services) but it's going to [...]index.php/35-accueil/accueil-liens-rapides/76-impots-et-comptabilite, who is like my home page but without my 3 round modules (featured menu: formulaires, actualités fiscales, documentation)

For my featured menu, I even try to change my link for my round module Formulaires, to go to my page services also or even for a category of articles, the link always goes to my page [...]index.php/formulaires. I can make any change...But if I tried with my featured menu actualités-fiscales, it's doing the same thing that with my module in position one ; it's doing a new link but instead of [...]index.php/our-services, it's [...]index.php/36-accueil/accueil-liens-rapides-ronds/80-actualites-fiscales. It's very confusing.
Did you try to create menu items for your articles?

Regards, AS Team.

I paid today. How long do I receive the template?
The item you can download from 'My Purchased Items' section of your AS Template account.
Please click on the URL below or copy it to your browser's address bar and use your assigned username and password to access your AS Template account:

Regards, AS Team.
hi, yes I did. My page index.php/our-services is also in my main menu and it works fine.
You have to create a menu item for this article:

Your our services page from the top menu looks completely different, means it points to another article, you have to check it.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, yes, that's the problem.

I doesn't want to do a menu item for my article "index.php/36-accueil/accueil-liens-rapides-ronds/80-actualites-fiscales", I want my link to go to "index.php/our-services" and in the administration of my featured menu, I selected exactly the same article that I selected in my main menu (service) but it's doesn't go to the right place. I dont' want the index.php/36-accueil/accueil-liens-rapides-ronds/80-actualites-fiscales. I have this problem with all my featured menu and with my module in position 1 if I want them to go on an article who have modules in it. My pages Services has module in it.
Sorry, joomla does not have an option to redirect your featured article '/80-actualites-fiscales' to 'iur-services' article, it can be done by creating custom HTML only, if you interested you may ask for our services here:

Regards, AS Team.
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Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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