Joomla! Template 002085 - Item Support

the previous version of AS Contact Form module had a recaptcha option but it only worked with recaptcha v1.
Now recaptcha v1 is closed. I downloaded the latest version of AS Contact Form module but in a new version there is no recaptcha at all.
Will you release AS Contact Form module with recaptcha v2?

Best regards,
We are sorry, at this moment we do not have yet AS Contact Form module working with recaptcha v2, but we are planning to develop it.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As Team,
I use a 'Gallery' as a menu item (Gallery view), with the individual images that are created as a post in a category.
Unfortunately, I always get an "undefined" before my title text (after opening it as a popup).
Also I only get the link to the popup but no second button for linking to the corresponding page.
Is there a documentation for this gallery view as a menu item?
Thank you for your help
What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
This website url is:
It means the article title is missed, in your Joomla admin panel -> Gallery menu item under Options tab you have to set Show Title parameter to 'Show'.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello ASTeam,
thank you for the answer, can you also help me with my second question:
Also I only get the link to the popup but no second button for linking to the corresponding page.
Is there a documentation for this gallery view as a menu item?
In your Joomla admin panel -> Gallery menu item under Options tab you have to set Show "Read More" parameter to Show.

Regards, AS Team.
I'm wondering how can I add "Telegram" Icon to the social menu So that have shape and in harmony with the rest of the icons
Hello AS Team,
I have problems with the logo on the top-left corner

1. I'd like to change the title over it (impossible to find where to set it)

2. I'd like to make the title disappear when the logo is displayed (when to the top of the page)

Thanks :)
The featured menu currently show 3 items in one row. How do you modify it to show 2 rows with 6 items? Under home layout, if I change the number of columns it only shows the first three items.
Hello GBIRK1962,
On which page we can see the menu?

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks, I figured it out. It now shows two rows of three on the home page.

Hi, I have an issue on the homepage of
The content in position as-content1 is not showing anymore, while it is still there (as you can see when you scroll the screen with a mouse). Module type is articles newsflash advanced.
Same goes for the content in as-content2, which is a menu.
Everything has always shown fine, until now.
Same problem on site (which is built with template 2083).
It seems you deleted some javascript functionality or javascipt files, please download the latest package from your AS account and replace all files from the template js folder, as well you have to replace template's index.php file.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, indeed this file jquery.simplr.smoothscroll.stellar.modernizr.min.js was disabled, since it caused that the site doesn't scroll in Google Chrome. Enabling the file solves the issue I mentioned yesterday, but now again the site doesn't scroll anymore in Chrome... How to fix this please?
Problem solved, commented out this part in index.php:

jQuery(function($) {
if (!Modernizr.touch) {
$.srSmoothscroll({ease: 'easeOutQuart'});
$.stellar({responsive: true,horizontalScrolling: false});

In position as-content 7 "Meet our Team" how do you do this?

Thanks mike
hi just purchased this theme. Nice and simple.
How do i get the read more link to be button?

here is the current article with read more:\


We recommend to install quickstart package and use it like documentation or how to examples.

Regards, AS Team.
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