Joomla! Template 002087 - Item Support

Installed the file 002087, which includes the latest Joomla version. NOTHING IS SHOWING UP ON HOME PAGE. When I click on the other menu items, these pages are showing up, but not on Home Page. Please help.

Thanks much.

Deborah Diamanti
Please contact me at 801.979.8027. I would like to hire you for some custom help with this template 002087. I called your phone and no answer today. I left a voicemail. Please contact me ASAP. Thanks.

Deborah Diamanti
Am getting this error message now when I click on any menu items on this template:

Fatal error: Class 'modArticlesNewsAdvHelper' not found in /home/mendolia/public_html/modules/mod_as_articles_newsflash/mod_as_articles_newsflash.php on line 23

Please respond.

Deborah Diamanti
It seems you forgot to install sample data during installation the quick-start package, please see the following page 'Finalization step'

Regards, AS Team.
I did install sample data. However, I have completely deleted everything from the server and starting over. I have purchased several of your templates. I need to hire you to guide me through setting up one of your templates. How do I get in touch with you? ASAP. Thanks.
Can you please let us know in more details what exactly service are you interested in?

Regards, AS Team.

how can I define that the main_menu is horizontal instead of vertical?

What is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package? If not, our suggestion is to install it, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

Regards, AS Team.
we bought today your template 002087. I've tried twice to install quickstart package but every time after entering all the data and starting installation process - it ended in the middle and returned to the last page of installation called "Summary". I have all items in Pre-Installation Check OK (green color). In Recommended Settings I have only one not green item - Output Buffering. But this couldn't cause the problem, because I had installed with this yellow item also latest Joomla and everything went right...
Please can you help me with this issue?
Thank you in advance.

Karin Pacholkova (from Josef Krejci company)
Are you trying to install it on your localhost or live server?

Regards, AS Team.
Yes, I´m installing it on live server.
Can you please let us know on which exactly step it is stopping to work? Who is your hosting provider?

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for your replies. I tried to install it again - now from my laptop. And installation process was succesfull :-) I´m very glad!
I would like to have two more questions:

1) Is there a possibility to center the background image with train? I have on my desktop PC big screen and this picture is aligned to the left.

2) Is there a possibility to make the hight of main menu smaller? On my laptop it is 1/5 of the page. For me it look too much high.

Thank you in advance.

Karin Pacholkova
What is your site url please?
1. The background image in the slider is possible to center by re-sizing the image only, the current image size is 1920, try to make it bigger.
2. The menu height can be changed by editing css files only, you can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla Fireblug plugin:
For more info please see the following article:

Regards, AS Team.
The Google map is not pointing to my location. HELP ME please. Where will I go and enter the Latitude and Longitude ??
Please see in your Joomla admin panel -> plugins -> googlemap -> locations.

Regards, AS Team.
URL is:
Ad 1) I think that resizing the image will have no effect on aligning. But I can try your advice.
Ad 2) I thought that maybe you know exact CSS class, but OK I´ll find it :-)

Hello AS Team,
I have a question: When I click on the Title of article on the homepage (originaly there was BY TRUCK, BY TRAIN and BY AIR) I´m not redirected to the article itself. Can you, please, help me?

Karin Pacholkova
You have to create menu items for your articles, then you will be able to manage module assignment.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,
How to order alphabetically the categories shown in the top of GALLERY VIEW?
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