Joomla! Template 002089 - Item Support

Resolved the problem. Although not sure how to change the background slider images. Thanks!
How can i change the name "Alex Moore" in the template? there is allways the name in the slider!

The text you can change by editing articles under Home Slider category.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there,

it is possible to disable the small letter only - function @ main menu and slider? It seems it forced somewhere?

Regards, iggi
Hi , how can i do to change the % value in "here are my Skill" ?
It is in article Intro caption under Home Skills category.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I have two questions:
1) How can I change the stop position of the as-sequence slider? I would like the text to stop on the right side.
2) How can I change the colors for the website name? The letters 1-5 are currently white, 6-10 blue and 11-16 white again. I would like 1-6 blue and 7-16 white.
1. We are sorry, the slider does not have such option.
2. The color you can change by words, the first word has .caption_part0 class, the second .caption_part1, the third will be .caption_part2
the color can be changes in the 'as002089/css/sequence.css' file, please see lines 119 and 129

.sequence-slider > .sequence-canvas .info .slide-title
font-size: 92px;
font-weight: 800;
line-height: 92px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
text-transform: uppercase;
color: #1bbc9c;

.sequence-slider > .sequence-canvas .info .slide-title .caption_part0
color: #fff;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS team, thank you for the answer.
to 1) ok, but the stop position must be somewhere in the script? Can you tell me where?
to 2) I did not mean the text in the slider, I mean the page name that is left of the navigation.
Best regards
Hello AS Team,
I found the position with the colors of the page name. It is in the file
'as002089 / css / style.blueivy.css'
Line 31-45 or/and
'as002089 / css / tmpl.default.css'
Line 2177-2191.
So point 2 is done.
Unfortunately I cannot find the position where the stop position stands for the text of the sequence slider. I urgently need the text to be on the right side of the page.
I would be very happy if you could help me.
Best regards
Good evening!
Considering that the home slides are not displayed in the mobile version unless I display in landscape, also considering that the writings overlap or are not seen correctly in the mobile version, how can I force the template and display it on the mobile device ONLY in the desktop version?
Best regards.
Hello ANTON83,
We are sorry, we do not see any purchased items under your account, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
where can i fix the menu and logo
Have you installed the template using quick-start installation package? What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
Unfortunately, I cannot update the contact form (in the module) to 2.2. I also have problems in contact form V1.1 with the Recaptcha V3. It is not displayed. Please help with update and recaptcha
The form doesn't support yet the latest recaptcha version, we are working on it, sorry it will take some time.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I'm wrong here because I bought Joomla! Template 002090 but if I click the Link "Click here to ask your questions." I come to this site.
But my main problem is, that I built a website based on AS 002090 for a friend of mine on one of my own domains It's not complete but nearly ok so I decided to transfer it to my friends domain (same provider alfahosting). I think I made everything right (send the file folders by ftp, exported/imported the database, modified the config.php) but the as slider didn't work and when I started the administration-site I was not able to use the menu, so I could not change anything. So I installed a new Joomla instance with sample data (using quickstart). When I called up everything seemed to be ok, but when I created one more home slider (by save as copy), all 4 sliders were shown, but the read-more-link of the new slider was wrong. The links of the sample sliders had this pattern: ..../index.php/slider-1 etc. But he link of the new slider was ...../index.php/14-home/106-slider-4 and led to nowhere. Please take a look at (the running testversion) and then at I hope you can explain and solve the problem.
Hello support
I want to disable the responsive function!
I want to have the AS Sequence Slider on top of the page visible, even on small mobile phones. The webpage should react as "standard website" under alle conditions. Is that possible?
How to?
Regards and thanks.
You can do it by editing '/templates/as002089/css/media.480.css' file, please see line 13 the following class:

display: none;

change it to:

display: block;

Regards, AS Team.

Thankx - it works perfectly - one last thing ;-)

I want to disable the main menu. I can do that, but still, a (jet)grey line without any menu items is visible. I want to disable the whol thing: The grey line and the text "GULBÆKS ZONETERAPI". Is that possible?

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