I'm willing to purchase regular license for this template, however my client who wants the website, don't know the name of his future domain yet. Can i use regular license on test-domain, and then transfer test-domain on real-domain and delete old test-domain?
(Don't know if u understand me, the thing is i don't need multiple domains running on this template at the same time, however i will need to work on test domain first and than transfer everything to real domain, of course i will delete test domain afterwards, will this break the terms of use of regular license)
Hope u can answer this question even if you don't provide free support to non-premium users
AS Templates
POSTED: 2017-01-14
Yes, you can use it on test domain up to 6 month, we think it is enough for creating website and choosing domain.
I have just succesfully installed the 002090 template. I have some questions:
1. how can I add an subtitle to the site name?
2. where can I find a picture of all module positions?
3. how can I de-activate animation of modules, in other words that they don't fly in etc. but are 'just there'?
4. how can I determine myself how the site name letters get there colors?
5. if I start editting a module, I get an empty page with only a pull-down menu, while the page tries to load but somehow cannot and keeps connecting. Should I install a special editor for the modules?
Regards, Peter.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2017-01-20
What is your website url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?
I have just put the site online for you to check. I have following remaining questions:
1. subtitle: fixed
2. picture of module positions
3. how to de-activate animations like fly-in etc.
4. website title currently is Natasja Schipper, where 'sja' become green. How can I determine myself which letters have a different color?
5. editting a module does work in google chrome, not in firefox 50.1.0 (newest version) I discovered yesterday. So that'll be my workaround...
6. In firefox the slide-1.jpg etc. show up not filling up the entire width of the page. I have replaced the 3 templates demo slide jpg's by my own and I have made them of exactly the same size (1920x1200, 96 dpi, bitdepth 24). I did not change any setting of the picture in the module...
URL is www.natasjaschipper.nl
Regards, Peter.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2017-01-22
2. The template module positions table you can preview here: http://www.astemplates.com/joomla-template-documentation/445-273-template-module-positions
3. The template doesn't have such option, if you interested you may ask for our services here: http://www.astemplates.com/services
4. It can be done by editing '/templates/as002090/css/style.iguana.css' please see classes starting from line 11.
5. Sorry, not quite understand, please provide us with more info.
6. We think you have to clear your browser cache, all slides look just perfect.
thank you for your answers. Before I purchased the template, AS-Templates assured me that 'Removing animation effects can be easy done by editing css files.'
Can you give me a hint where to go look for the options?
Regards, Peter.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2017-01-22
You can do it by editing transition and transform parameters in the tmpl.default.css file, more info about this parameter you can find here: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_transitions.asp
You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Firebug plugin: https://getfirebug.com/
I know you don't offer support for non premium users but it's a bit of an emergency, I put together my website with your template in joomla and a few days ago my home page got all messed up for no aparent reason. The rest of tabs are still working fine but I have no idea how to fix the home page, any ideas?
My site is: http://mabaki.mx/
Thank you!
So from my host (go daddy) ...? go to application manager and reinstall joomla on the domain www.msdg.design ?
.... or some other way?
obviously I deleted something I needed...
AS Templates
POSTED: 2017-02-22
Hello M5MARIO,
You have to download joomla package from joomla.org website and upload on your server via FTP over the existing files, please do not forget about backups before any changes.
1. Hello, i need help ! I want to edit as super fish menu, and set full layout background in home page, behind the superfish menu. and set menu to transparent.
2. I want to leveling logo at center of menu like in demo of template 002090.
3. I dont know how to edit modules like a (superfish menu) i can edit olny basic advance settings etc. but i want to edit css and other features in joomla.
my webiste is www.onemedia.sk
thanks for help.
Get an access to all 94 items designed and developed by AS Designing team plus all the future items
which will be released over the course of your club subscription.
Please check the following, it should help you: http://blog.astemplates.com/sorry-something-went-wrong-page-didnt-load-google-maps-correctly/
Regards, AS Team.
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I'm willing to purchase regular license for this template, however my client who wants the website, don't know the name of his future domain yet. Can i use regular license on test-domain, and then transfer test-domain on real-domain and delete old test-domain?
(Don't know if u understand me, the thing is i don't need multiple domains running on this template at the same time, however i will need to work on test domain first and than transfer everything to real domain, of course i will delete test domain afterwards, will this break the terms of use of regular license)
Hope u can answer this question even if you don't provide free support to non-premium users
Yes, you can use it on test domain up to 6 month, we think it is enough for creating website and choosing domain.
Regards, AS Team.
View History
I have just succesfully installed the 002090 template. I have some questions:
1. how can I add an subtitle to the site name?
2. where can I find a picture of all module positions?
3. how can I de-activate animation of modules, in other words that they don't fly in etc. but are 'just there'?
4. how can I determine myself how the site name letters get there colors?
5. if I start editting a module, I get an empty page with only a pull-down menu, while the page tries to load but somehow cannot and keeps connecting. Should I install a special editor for the modules?
Regards, Peter.
What is your website url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?
Regards, AS Team.
View History
I have just put the site online for you to check. I have following remaining questions:
1. subtitle: fixed
2. picture of module positions
3. how to de-activate animations like fly-in etc.
4. website title currently is Natasja Schipper, where 'sja' become green. How can I determine myself which letters have a different color?
5. editting a module does work in google chrome, not in firefox 50.1.0 (newest version) I discovered yesterday. So that'll be my workaround...
6. In firefox the slide-1.jpg etc. show up not filling up the entire width of the page. I have replaced the 3 templates demo slide jpg's by my own and I have made them of exactly the same size (1920x1200, 96 dpi, bitdepth 24). I did not change any setting of the picture in the module...
URL is www.natasjaschipper.nl
Regards, Peter.
2. The template module positions table you can preview here:
3. The template doesn't have such option, if you interested you may ask for our services here: http://www.astemplates.com/services
4. It can be done by editing '/templates/as002090/css/style.iguana.css' please see classes starting from line 11.
5. Sorry, not quite understand, please provide us with more info.
6. We think you have to clear your browser cache, all slides look just perfect.
Regards, AS Team.
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indeed I installed it using quick-start.
Regards, Peter.
View History
thank you for your answers. Before I purchased the template, AS-Templates assured me that 'Removing animation effects can be easy done by editing css files.'
Can you give me a hint where to go look for the options?
Regards, Peter.
You can do it by editing transition and transform parameters in the tmpl.default.css file, more info about this parameter you can find here:
You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Firebug plugin:
For more info please see the following article:
Regards, AS Team.
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One last question where do I find the Facebook and Instagram links in my template ?? trying to modify them to my respective links...
The social cons you can find under Social Menu in your Joomla admin panel, probably some of them you will need to delete or add new.
Regards, AS Team.
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I know you don't offer support for non premium users but it's a bit of an emergency, I put together my website with your template in joomla and a few days ago my home page got all messed up for no aparent reason. The rest of tabs are still working fine but I have no idea how to fix the home page, any ideas?
My site is: http://mabaki.mx/
Thank you!
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I deleted all of those files that needed to go...
Site is still up and running as designed. ...
but now I am unable to access the
luckily I was logged in to the backend from another IE window
so I am still able to update articles and such for the times being...
But now how do I get my administrator login screen to the backend back up and running as intended or as it was last week.. LOL
any help is appreciated...
Probably you deleted some extra files, try to re-upload all Joomla files.
Regards, AS Team.
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.... or some other way?
obviously I deleted something I needed...
You have to download joomla package from joomla.org website and upload on your server via FTP over the existing files, please do not forget about backups before any changes.
Regards, AS Team.
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For our services please use the following page:
Regards, AS Team.
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2. I want to leveling logo at center of menu like in demo of template 002090.
3. I dont know how to edit modules like a (superfish menu) i can edit olny basic advance settings etc. but i want to edit css and other features in joomla.
my webiste is www.onemedia.sk
thanks for help.