Joomla! Template 002091 - Item Support

nope, still nothing. i have emailed that address to see if you can receive messages from me!
Please can you help

I have 1 big problem on my site The image being used for bg.header is wrong. I have deleted this image (a lake with a boat house on left) from my server completely. I am pointing at bg.header2020.jpg for which i have edited tmpl.default.css (approx line 1560 to point to bg.header2020.jpg) And as a reminder, bg.header.jpg no longer exsists on my server at all!

Also, this problem is still happening 3+ days after deleting old image, clearing cache etc.

How is the wrong image still being displayed? Please help as my client does not want the website live until this image is changed!
We are sorry, the website url you are provided is not based on our template, please check it.

Regards, AS Team.

I bought the template 002091 today. When installing it, the error appears:
"The manifest file could not be found". I cannot activate the template in Joomla 3.9.24.
Where is the error and how can I fix it? Think for a feedback.
Regards Livio De Toffol
Did you install it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
I tried that too, but the file was too big with 28MB, then I increased the quota to 35MB upload. Still not working!
Does it matter if I install the template on the subdomain for now. Once everything is working fine, I will link the main domain to this subdomain.
The quick-start package should be installed like regular joomla installation, you cannot install it on existing Joomla, for more info please check the template installation documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
aha, I didn't know that. So now I can create another subdomain and then install the Quickstart file as you describe. I wanted to unpack it, just as I unpack Joomla first and then move it to the server using FTP and then carry out the installation as an admin. I have years of experience with Joomla installations.
Yes exactly, the package should be installed like regular Joomla installation.

Regards, AS Team.
Can it be simpler? New suggestion: Does Astemplate have a template that can simply be installed on an existing Joomla, as is normal with Joomla. I'm not buying a template that I have to install from scratch. That was a mistake!
Just template does not come with sample data, Joomla does not have such option.

Regards, AS Team.
Don't need the sample files. Now it has worked. The website is up and running. I just wonder why I had to install Joomla again via Quickstart. Except for the outdated version, everything is the same.
Can I now safely install the extensions that were supplied in the template?
One last question: I read that the template is valid for one year. What does that mean? Do I have to buy it again after one year, or does that only apply to the updates, which are only free for one year?
If you do not need sample data and see all settings it is OK, because the quick-start package is actually the template documentation, in any case we recommend you to install it on some demo server, or demo folder, or subdomain and then preview all settings. After installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page, it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings, the package installation will save days of your time.

The license grants you access to download the item and receive our support for a period of 365 days after the date of purchase. After your license expires, you may continue to use the template, so the template is not time-limited.

Regards, AS Team.
Guten Tag AS-Team
hätte ich das gewusst, müsste ich jetzt nicht nachbessern. In der Regel installiere ich nie die Beispieldateien, aber offenbar ist das im vorliegenden Fall nötig.
Frage: Kann ich die Beispieldateien nachträglich hochladen, oder muss ich das Paket neu installieren?
Unfortunately Joomla does not have such option, you have to install them now, or as we suggested you in our previous comment you can install it on some demo server, or demo folder, or subdomain and then preview all settings.

Regards, AS Team.
In the meantime, I did the installation again with Quickstart and installed the sample files, including the desired language German.
Super!!! Now everything works, even the language. Thanks for your support. Now I have a lot of work to present my pictures.
If I still have questions, I will contact you.
Kind regards
I already have a problem with the template 002091.
I wanted to add a picture to the home slider. I know slider well and know where to make settings.
I analysed the slider, took an image, resized it to the size of the existing 3 images. Checked the exact name of the image on the server and increased the number of images on the slider module by one.
In the slider I see the indicators that there must be 4 images, but the new image is not displayed. However, the title with subtitle does, just on an existing image.
Where do I have to change something?
Kind regards
Did you add a new article for the slider? It should be added under Slider Home category.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team
I have done everything. What I just discovered, however, is that I forgot to place the corresponding image under the introductory image in the post.
That was it. Now it is ok.
I'm beginning to not understand the whole thing. I created submenu items as always in the module menu. But they are not displayed anywhere. At the beginning I successfully created an item 'Dogs' and today I wanted to create some others. What is the problem this time?
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Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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