Joomla! Template 002093 - Item Support

Downloaded Demo-File for first inspections.
Cannot find the quickstart to install. This is needed to understand the template settings and customizing, before purchasing it.

Kind Regards,
We are sorry, the quick-start package comes with the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
ok, understand.

Next problem:
When installing the free version, I get an error-message saying:

JInstaller: :Install: Die Datei „C:\xampp\htdocs\DGFC\tmp\install_5e67e27c2d922\as002093\language\de-DE\de-DE.tpl_as002093free.ini“ existiert nicht.

Obviously, there is a language-file missing.

is it worth to get a response after 7 days ? Without that, I cannot verify a purchase!
The issue was fixed, please download it one more time and reinstall.

Regards, AS Team.
thanks. works now.

Maybe you should adjust your comments under ITEM DETAILS.
There you mention for FREE EDITION:

Extensions included in the package:
VirtueMart 3.0.12
AS Superfish Menu module
AS Sequence Slider module
AS Contact Form module
AS Articles Newsflash module
AS Carousel module
Google map plugin
Kunena forum
Komento component
Demo quick-start installation package
Hello i have buy the premium but i dont see the download or the link.
where i find it?
The item you can download from 'My Purchased Items' section of your AS Template account.
Please click on the URL below or copy it to your browser's address bar and use your assigned username and password to access your AS Template account:

Regards, AS Team.
I purchased the template AS002093 last year but I struggle to customize it.
1- where can I modify the gallery content ? I cannot find any module
of it where I can upload my own images, same with the slider,
2- where can I modify the icons and social network and link them ? I
want to add my own pinterest, fb , instagram etc...
3- do I have to manually code all the CSS to have the gallery, the
slider, etc... ? Already to modify the background image of the menu I
had to inspect the source code of the page and replace it manually in
my server web host.
4- do you have any documentation support to use your templates ?
thank you,
how do you parameter the gallery ?
on the content/media/sampledate/asimages/gallery you have 9 images, all named gallery-img1 to 9. I have more than 9 images, how to proceed ?there is no module for this gallery to be edited, can you help ?
The gallery is a set of articles under category Gallery, images you can find under article Images and Links tab, here you can find detailed info about Joomla articles:

Regards, AS Team.
thank you very much that was helpful. Now I am setting up the VirtueMart and when it comes to enter the shop configuration menu/shop it is impossible and joomla returns an error "1054 Unknown column '' in 'field list'
how to solve this ? The shop confuguration is important to change the name etc...
regarding my previous message problem solved, I re created the shopper field company. lesson to be learnt NEVER delete a field if one doesn't need it, just unpublished it;
hello, is it applicable for Joomla 4?, i tries a free version and it didn't work
Te template is not compatible yet with Jooma 4.

Regards, AS Team.
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Item Name:
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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