Joomla! Template 002096 - Item Support

Hello GERE1972,
Your content language still English only, more info about the content language please see here:

Also you are welcome to check our blog here:

Try to save the contact form as a copy and then unpublish/delete the old one.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS,

first: I linke your template very much, although it is made different like other templates I bouht and work with. But somehow I don´t find the "place" to change some pictures in the template.
The sliders, no problem. Found.
But if you scroll down the scrolling trough background "waterfall out of the jar" and the scrolling through backbground of testimonials "with the plants". Where can I change them?
Also the pictures of the latest projects. They can´t be changed with the articels?
Hello GERE1972,
For the 'waterfall' image please see 'tmpl.default.css' file the following class (line 3477):

#content-row-4 .row-wrapper::before {
background-attachment: fixed;
background-image: url("../images/bg.7.jpg");
background-position: left center;
background-size: cover;
display: block;
left: 0;
width: 50%;

You can also change the image directly in the template images folder, just edit it and save with the same name.

The pictures from the gallery can be changes with the articles only, all articles you can find under Gallery Latest category, open an article and change the images under Images and Links tab.
For more info please see Joomla documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
Ah, ok. Thank you. Some things I could/had to change in the template. For example: If I set to theme "blue ivy" the background in parts of the template sill where dark brown colored like "content row 4" or the footer. I couldn´t find a "button" or field in the system or template settings, so I changed in css file. But the pictures I thougt have toe changed in template settings somewhere. Cause there are fields for that (theme - content top layout - content row 4 settings). But using this fields, the result looks other than in demo. For example: put in a background color changes the whole "content row 4" with this color. Inclusive the picture. But no problem. Everything is fine. Very beautiful modern template an super service and quick reaction time for customers questions. Thanks for that.
Hello GERE1972,
Everything can be easy changed by editing css files. You can determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Fireblug plugin:using Fireblug plugin:

For more info please see the following article:

Regards, AS Team.
just one more question: How do I get more sliders in the top? I copied the menu elements and the content elements for them. I have 5 menu elements in menu "slider articles" and 5 contents für them. But I only see 3 of them.
Hello GERE1972,
You have to increase Number of Articles parameter under the slider Basic Options tab, please see the following page, step 13:

Regards, AS Team.
I have one question: how to make visible logo, when page scroll down?
Thank you.

how does one change the parallax bg images on this template?

In which position you have to change it? What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
Website is on local host... I need to change it on header and footer. I've found modules xxxx parllax BG
Are those used?
Yes, you need those modules.

Regards, AS Team.
Ok. Thanks.
And one more question is there any way to change positions on the template? I'd like to interchange positions of the menu and logo position. Im guessing it's done by editing xml file?

It should be done in the template's index.php file.

Regards, AS Team.
Oh, ok thanks.

I have a Problem with my pictures shown on an iPad or iPhone. If I select that more than one module should be shown eg. on my start page, the pictures get zoomed in so much you can see each pixel. I also noticed that this happens in your demo preview, if you click on "back to desktop version" it's getting even worse. Can this somehow be fixed? If you just display one module on the page it works fine but more than one doesn't.
Try to use high resolution images, the desktop version on mobile devices is not responsive and may cause problems with images like you have on your devices.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you, but the pictures work if I just use one module but as soon as i use a second one on the same page it doesn't work anymore.
What is your website url please and on which page we can see the problem?

Regards, AS Team.
It's .
The problem is only on iOS, you open the page and at the bottom click "desktop version" now the images don't work but if you click on "wuinstall" or "support" the images work fine.
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Joomla 5 Product
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