Joomla! Template 002022 - Item Support

What kind of problem do you have?

Regards, AS Team
Hello, i have purchased the template 002022 Premium Version from your website but i faced some issues, my website is multilingual (French and English) and normally the slider should be displayed only in Home page but when i activated this option the slider is never displayed on the page

We know about this issue and currently working on it. We believe it will be resolved next week.

Regards, AS Team.
Is the Premium version compatible with MooTools 1.2+ and/or 1.3

Regards, AS Team.

I have a couple of questions:

1. How do I get rid of the tick marks that preceed listed items?
2. How do I turn the borders off
3. How do I change the font size, print, email & share labels to icons or icons + label

Thanks, Eyal
We don't have such parameters, you have make changes in the templates.css file.
The problem with the double footer is now online to see:
Please try to put it in the module position 0.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, and thanks for this wonderful template!
I bought it this morning and am trying to set it up for the site, however I'm at a loss for one thing which I hope you can help me with:

Where/how can I provide my own caption texts for the slider? which file is it in? Can I provide the caption texts through the joomla admin interface or must I modify a particular php file?

Thanks and kind regards...
nevermind... I found it! thanks :)
When I discovered problems with ChronoForms working (I know you don't support third parties, but please continue reading), I got this answer from ChronoForms:

”You are using a very attractive and poorly written template :-(

It is loading two different versions of JQuery and putting neither of them into noConflict mode.

If you want to use ChronoForms and have the validation work on your forms then those problems have to be fixed :-( They are problems with the template and not with ChronoForms.”

Can you help me with whatever a noConflict mode is?


On your post of 1rd fev 2012 you told me We know about this issue and currently working on it.

Is there any update about the slider display issue?
There is a lot of work, the update should be done during this week.

Regards, AS Team.
The noConflict mode problem refers also to Thanks in advance.
Moving the footer to position-0 still showed double Copyright, but deactivitating the module left the one to the bottom alone. Thanks!
We are preparing update this week for multilingual sites, as well it will include a latest jQuery version.

Can you please contact us through the ”Contact Us” page and provide with an access to the Joomla admin center? Thank You.

It is not possible to use global settings for Layout Options in featured articles?

I must fill out the fields (Leading Articles, Intro Articles, Columns, Links), that the articles are displayed.
Sorry, what do you mean?
Each field in the Joomla admin panel should be filled out.

Regards, AS Team.
Where do I find the update file for version 5.2.5?
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Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
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