Joomla! Template 002099 - Item Support

Hi AS Team, I just got this template... I remember in a previous I got, you had a Link that shows how to configure every module or plugin. As I can't install the Quick start package (because I am using a Multisite Module) it would be very useful to have...
I also try to install in other site to try to do it by compering, is there any diference or update from quick start 3.8.1 to 3.8.10? ... I also had this massage tryin to instal Komento.

"Table 'suncom01_ryucorp.#__komento_configs' doesn't exist"

Could you help me?
We are checking this issue will back to you ASAP.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, my I ask you?
can you see this link and tell me why the letters on main menu are small? and how i will hide the drop down meny when when I have put on settings "hidden" I want the drop down menu but not the hides menus!

Which template did you use for this site?

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team , I found the problem. It was something wrong during install. I re-install all over and was fine... but, unfortunately I can't install "Quick Instal", because I am using a MultiSIte Module of Joomla. I remember last year, you have kind of tutorial showing, where the position were and how configure each module, plugin, etc from the template. Could you send me this link, or a way to do it?

Can you provide with an access to the Joomla! admin panel?

Regards, AS Team.
I use the 002099.

You can change font size in Extentions -> Modules -> Main Menu ( type AS Superfish Menu ) -> Menu Options.

Regarding "when I have put on settings "hidden" I want the drop down menu but not the hides menus" , can you please clarify what you mean?
We do not see any issues with drop-down menu.

Regards, AS Team.
how can I capitalize the letters on menu?
I have some drop down menu thos I want them "Hide" (in option of Link type-->Display on menu) i check the hide option, But if you see the web site the Hide drop Down menu is not Hide. how can i make them Hide?
We are sorry, your membership subscription does not include our support as indicated here :
You may ask for upgrading it here:

Regards, AS Team.
I have a problem when editing the web in the front end. The button to edit pages in the frontend is not displayed.
I use the 002099 Joomla Template
We are sorry, your license for our support is expired, yo may extend it from your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Question: we are using template AS Template 002099 Version 1.1 and we have on website following warning:

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/www/templates/as002099/includes/includes.php on line 86

we are using actual pHp which is 7.2.1 (old 7.0 not longer available on server) could you help us?

Do we need with an update? please inform soon
greetings, Roland
Hello BRUNO1501,
We are sorry, your license for our support is expired, you may extend it from your AS account or purchase a new one.

Regards, AS Team.
good morning, yesterday I installed 002099, I have an announcement
This redirect url is not allowed, you should change the "Allowed domains for the redirection via the module" parameter from the AcyMailing configuration page to "localhost|" to allow it or set it to "all" to allow all urls
what I have to make
This redirect url is not allowed error message you can fix on AcyMailing component configuration page under Subscription tab in the Redirections panel, please see 'Allowed domains for the redirection via the module' parameter, you have to set it to 'all'

Regards, AS Team.
I modified is ok,, thank you
Question: we are using template AS Template 002099 Version 1.1 and we have on website following warning:

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/www/templates/as002099/includes/includes.php on line 86

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/www/modules/mod_as_superfish_menu/helper.php on line 76

we are using actual pHp which is 7.2.1 (old 7.0 not longer available on server) could you help us?

We ordered now new licence from you, my question now is, can i only override the template version no. 1.2.0 or must i do a lot work by configuration template files?

please inform soon
greetings, Roland
Hello BRUNO1501,
The issue was fixed in the latest template version, please download the package and replace updated files accordingly to the release log:

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
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