Joomla! Template 002099 - Item Support

Hello SOURYA38,
Please see tmpl.default.css file the following class:

#menu-row {
background: rgba(149, 132, 112, 0.8) none repeat scroll 0 0;
margin-bottom: 60px;
transition: all 0.5s ease 0s;

Regards, AS Team.

I can not get the desired result

I want to change the color of the animation and the size of the animation menus

I want color: # 648dc3
and size 15 for the animation menus

main menu : ok
animation below - when it descends into the page
the menu bar is brown - I want to change the color

je ne parviens pas au résultat cherché

je veux changer la couleur de l’animation et la taille des menus de l’animation

je veux la couleur : #648dc3
et la taille : 15 pour les menus de l’animation

main menu : ok fait
l’animation en dessous - lorsque l’on descend dans la page
la barre des menus est brune - je veux pouvoir changer la couleur

background: rgba(149, 132, 112, 0.8) none repeat scroll 0 0;
-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease;
-moz-transition: all 0.5s ease;
-o-transition: all 0.5s ease;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
margin-bottom: 60px;

rien de change - nothing changes

#menu-row {
background: rgba(149, 132, 112, 0.8) none repeat scroll 0 0;
margin-bottom: 60px;
transition: all 0.5s ease 0s;

video to better explain
vidéo pour mieux expliquer

where and how to change the color brown
Hello AS Team

On 2016-09-21 you POSTED:

> Hello FLIPPER,
> You have to check the article ordering in your Joomla admin panel.
> Regards, AS Team.

I've checked the article ordering and it is correct.


The article "Concerned Persons" is before (on the left of ) "Institutions"

But on
there is a Prev button instead of Next.

Please help.

Sorry, the issue is not related to the template, it can be resolved by checking ordering of your articles only.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

The #top-header-row background-color
issues POSTED: 2016-09-21 are still open.

Please Help.

Just checked, it is still on your server, you have to replace the images with yours.

Regards, AS Team.
cancel my requests
cancel my questions
I finally found
Thank you for your help
cordially sourya38
Hello AS Team

Yes, all your template images are on my server. I do not want to change any template files as they would get lost if a new version is released.

I have set my image in Joomla :

Menu Extensions -> Templates -> Styles

Select Style "AS 002099 - Standard"

go to Tab -> "Content top layout"

scroll down to CONTENT ROW 4 SETTINGS -> Background image = images/Bilder/3-Punkte-Startseite-V3.jpg

opacity: 1;
background-image: url(""); }

If I look at the HTML code in Firebug I cannot find bg.7.jpg.

Why is it downloaded?

I did the same in the Tab Header Layout -> Background image

And there it works. Your image "bg.header.jpg" is still on the server but not downloaded to the user PC.

Check Firebug output of

<div id="header-wrapper" class="shifted">

#header-wrapper { /de/ (line 115)
background-image: url("");
#header-wrapper { tmpl.default.css (line 2079)
background-attachment: fixed;
background-image: url("../images/bg.header.jpg");
background-size: cover;
padding: 0;

Why does it not work the same if I change the Background image of Content Row 4 Settings?

Sorry, we messed up here, can you please explain the problem one more time.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

IMHO the ordering is correct.

I've changed the ordering in Joomla -> Content -> Articles so that the article Institutions is before "Concerned Persons". This results that on the home page the article Institutions is the first article and on the left of "Concerned Persons". If I click "read more" on the 1st article Institutions I get a Next button to navigate to the 2nd article "Concerned Persons". As expected.

But I want the article "Concerned Persons" to be the first article and therefore on the left of Institutions on the home page (as it is on the German version So I change the Article ordering that "Concerned Persons" is before Institutions. This results that on the home page the article "Concerned Persons" is the first article and on the left of Institutions. As expected!
But if I click "read more" on the article "Concerned Persons" I get a Prev button instead of Next.

Do you think I have to change the ordering somewhere else too?

Hello AS Team

My article ordering is:

Concerned Persons (Alias: concerned-persons) Public DE Super User English (UK) English (UK) 2016-08-04 63 38
Category: Home Dienstleistungen

Institutions (Alias: institutions) Public DE Super User English (UK) English (UK) 2016-08-04 53 37
Category: Home Dienstleistungen

Für Betroffene (Alias: fuer-betroffene) Public EN Super User German (DE) German (DE) 2016-08-04 454 1
Category: Home Dienstleistungen

Für Institutionen (Alias: fuer-institutionen) Public EN Super User German (DE) German (DE) 2016-08-04 239 2
Category: Home Dienstleistungen

What I see that for the German language the article ordering corresponds with its ID:
Für Betroffene = ID 1
Für Institutionen = ID 2

But for the Englisch language not:
Concerned Persons = ID 38
Institutions = ID 37

Could that be the reason that the Prev, Next buttons do not correspond with the articles ordering for the English Language articles?

Yes, the ordering is working by article ID or articles ordering in your Joomla admin panel Articles page, please see Ordering column (the first column).

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

I've found out that the AS Template uses the article ordering (Joomla Ordering Column - the first column) to show the articles on e.g.
But the the AS Template uses the Joomla article ID for the Prev/Next Buttons in the articles e.g.

As the Joomla article ordering and the Joomla article ID for the Englisch language did not correspond the Prev/Next buttons are messed up.

Can you please fix that?

I've manually copied all articles with the wrong buttons to make sure the Joomla ordering and article ID are the same. I also had to manually fix all references to that articles. Which is not very nice.

Sorry, the ordering comes from Joomla, nothing can be done in the template.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

I try to explain the image bg.7.jpg issue again.

When I load my home page the image bg.7.jpg is download although I've set another image in Joomla :

Menu Extensions -> Templates -> Styles -> Select Style "AS 002099 - Standard"

-> Tab "Content top layout" -> CONTENT ROW 4 SETTINGS -> Background image = images/Bilder/3-Punkte-Startseite-V3.jpg

If I do the same in

-> Tab "Header Layout" -> Background image = ...

the original image "bg.header.jpg" is not downloaded anymore although it is still on the server.

Why is the image bg.7.jpg downloaded although I've set another image - I made an override ?

PS I do not want to change any original template images as my changes would get lost if a new version is released. So I do an override in Joomla: Menu Extensions -> Templates -> Styles -> Select Style "AS 002099 - Standard".

We do not see the bg.7.jpg image on your home page, here is a screenshot:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As Team

Do the Prev/Next buttons on the full view of my articles also come from Joomla?

Hello AS Team

Wow! How do you make this nice screen shots?

Hello As Team

> We do not see the bg.7.jpg image on your home page

That is correct. I did an override, but it is still download on the PC of the home page visitors for any reason.

Check Firefox -> Left click -> Inspect Element (Q) -> Tab Network
Perform a reload of the page.

There is a GET request - 7th last line of the Firefox Network Monitor output.:

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