Joomla! Template 002027 - Item Support

Dear AS Team,
first of all, thank you for your reply.
I have another question - what about the css validation ?

I just checked your Demo side - see following link


and this is not about Joomla.

Do you have an explanation about this ?
Is this only on the Demo version and on the buying version it is fixed ?

You know - it´s quite important for search engines to have the side valid so far.

Thank you
Thank You for noticing about this issue, we will try to resolve it ASAP.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for the help, I did what I was told and the problem was solved.
Dear AS Team,

is it possible to get a message by email from you when you have fixed this css validation issue ?

I really would like to buy a template from you but basicly only when the validation is correct.

thank you
another question - if you fix the issue with css validation in nearest future, is will you deliver the update free of charge if I buy a template ?

thank you
You can download the template absolutely free for a period of 365 days after the date of purchase.

Regards, AS Team.

sorry I don´t understand exactly. If I purchase now your template for $xx
what you mean then with "download the free template ?

If I already bought one I wouldn´t need anymore a free version.

Or do you mean the .css file which you will configure and fix asap ?

Thank you
Ok guess I understood what you meant...

If I buy right now - I have 365 days left to download my bought version, right ?

But my question was about - will you support/bring the valid .css file within a good time manner ? means from now on within couple of days or how long you need for it ?

Thank you
We will try to fix this issue during the next week.

Regards, AS Team.
I installed the template and it looks very good. Now I want to make some changes to the individual pages.

Where can I find the content:

Featured Events

Fusce vehicula posuere ante. Mauris nunc sapien, ullamcorper quis gravida quis, consequat sed mauris. Fusce lobortis, diam eget faucibus ornare, lectus mauris tempus urna, ac tristique risus tellus nec dolor. Fusce mauris mauris, egestas nec vehicula quis, fermentum in purus. Proin sed magna neque. Nullam congue malesuada congue.

Nulla suscipit molestie mauris in posuere. Ut tempor rhoncus dolor eu aliquet. Praesent eget ligula dapibus ligula mollis pharetra. Proin feugiat aliquam ultricies. Fusce vitae tellus vitae augue cursus dictum vitae ut nulla. Quisque eu arcu erat. Nullam in felis id quam laoreet ultricies et in massa. Ut bibendum interdum lorem, ac ornare est tincidunt non. Quisque eget tempus felis. "

I could not locate it in the modules not in articles.

Also, I need to make changes to the dropdown menu

Need to change "Who We Are?" and "What we do" where are the located.

Use this link:

please do not publish the link about.

Hello XANADU8,
You can find it under Articles category, look for the Services, there are 2 articles with such name, you need with alias 'services'.

Regards, AS Team.
Dears, is there a possibility that I get a message from you when you´ve fixed it ? hopefully next week.

thank you
The premium version is fixed.

Regards, AS Team.

thank you that you´ve fixed it already.
I am actually working with this template but first Problem which I have is with the three Icons in Position-4 / Home - Search - Contact.

I don´t know how to create them correctly - which steps I have to do ?

I created a new Menu - called Menu-Icons
and on this I added new Items - but which "Menu Item Typ" I have to choose ? or is it totally wrong that way ?

If I am doing that way - I am not able to link the icons to the already existing Main Menu links - like Home or Contact with the contact formular etc.

thank you
Our suggestion is install this template using quick-start installation package, after installing it your site will look exact like our demo preview and it will be easy for you to make changes.

Regards, AS Team.

I used the quick install - and it looked only like the standard joomla template - nothing more nothing less - and not like yours.

Do I need to install the the sample pages during the installation process as well ?

Do I need to unzip the the quickstart-installation file and upload it manually ?
otherwise I won´t have any joomla right ?

Yes, you have to install the sample data, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Ok thank you - worked so far....

But one more question please - The "Home" Icon in position-4 has an one Menu Link ( name ) but I would like to not confuse any visitors - to have it like the the "Home" menu link - means in index.php
and not - because this is something else.

thank you
Not quite understand the problem, did you try to replace the link?

Regards, AS Team.
I have more than one Submenue and in 2nd and 3rd Level of the menue the arrow does not appear (so no one can see that there is a submenue).
How can I make that work?
Also I do have a very long Mneue-Titel. How can I make the menue wider?

Thanks for your Help!
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