Hi, I just can't get the Custom Modules Row (Columns 1 to 4) in position 12 to look the same as the demo. I followed all the instructions and I can't get it to look the same way.
Please take a look at my website and let me know what I did wrong or if it's a bug with the template programming. Thanks
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-10-21
Your site looks very good, can you please provide us with more details about the problem?
thanks. As I said I can't get the modules in position 12 to look exactly the same as the demo which I like. I followed all the instructions. Can you show me what's missing.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-10-31
In the module position 12 we have published a custom html module with the following code:
<p><img class="left" src="images/sampledata/as002027/img.smallbusiness.jpg" width="150" /> Vestibulum ante eros, condimentum quis pellentesque ut, imperdiet eget erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed auctor, enim ac placerat consectetur, nulla neque scelerisque augue, quis pretium enim elit dapibus magna.</p>
I am not sure how to make my question clear. If you look at the modules in position 12, the background of the box in my website is black while it's white on your demo in the middle part. I looked everywhere in the setup but I can't change it to white. It's all black as you can see on my site. Can you tell me how I can change it from black to white please?
In that case, maybe you should take a look again. the background of this text is very white to me: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis nulla vel eros dictum egestas sit amet id nisl. Duis eros risus, scelerisque eget gravida vitae, mattis a nisl. Etiam fermentum convallis diam sit amet euismod".
It really takes a few tries to get a point across to you.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-11-11
On which page we can see the module and the text?
Hi,I want to know if it is possible to reduce the dimensions and change the colour (now it is black) of module in position 9 of the template that i bought? I want to reduce the dimension of the module to the same module in position 8. Thank you.
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that was the error.
Bye and a nice weekend!
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How do I change the background to black in OUR SERVICES on the first page?
www.executorisibiu.ro is the website.
thank you
It looks like you do not have 'bg.black.png' background image:
#header .bottomrow
background-image: url("/images/sampledata/as002027/bg.black.png");
background-repeat: repeat;
margin: 28px 25px 0 0;
width: 545px;
Regards, AS Team.
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I have a problem with the template...
I cannot make text as link on the two positions 7 and 9 ...
somehow the text cannot be marked
What is your site url please?
Regards, AS Team.
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Please check your custom modules, you have some extra code which probably makes you the problem with your links.
Regards, AS Team.
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It should be checked by our developers, please use our services page:
Regards, AS Team.
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Please take a look at my website and let me know what I did wrong or if it's a bug with the template programming. Thanks
Your site looks very good, can you please provide us with more details about the problem?
Regards, AS Team.
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In the module position 12 we have published a custom html module with the following code:
<p><img class="left" src="images/sampledata/as002027/img.smallbusiness.jpg" width="150" /> Vestibulum ante eros, condimentum quis pellentesque ut, imperdiet eget erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed auctor, enim ac placerat consectetur, nulla neque scelerisque augue, quis pretium enim elit dapibus magna.</p>
Regards, AS Team.
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Maybe do you mean position 15?
Regards, AS Team.
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Positions 12, 13 and 14 on our demo page have dark background color.
Regards, AS Team.
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It really takes a few tries to get a point across to you.
On which page we can see the module and the text?
Regards, AS Team.
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