Joomla! Template 002027 - Item Support


tmpl.content.css is part of template.

j27.dump.joomla256.sql - is a dump file. - all template images .

see :

Regards, AS Team.
Hi. team

installed free version and not found position 53

my website

Free template have limited capabilities :

Regards, AS Team.
Item Features - Free Version
25 Possible Module Positions
There are two free templates AS002027 and AS002027Free ???
What is the difference between them ?
Rally Academy is a non-profit youth safe driving school, is there a premium version of the option to receive donation ?

Sorry, we are not providing support for free templates.

Regards, AS Team.
I installed and worked with the Free template, all was fine. I purchsed and downloaded the premium and I cannot figure how it should be unzipped, what should be unzipped, to what folders, etc. Please help!!

unzip it first.

inside you have: - template for installation,
extensions for installation, (unzip it ) - all necessary images,
j27.dump.joomla256.sql - dump file if you wish to install demo data.

For more information read here :

read carefully here :

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks. Got everything installed and in place, except possibly the extensions. I installed the template, are the extensions installed automatically? Also, what do you mean by upload all images? I am doing this locally, do I just unzip the images folder and replace the one already there? When I view the page I am getting the following errors on the top of the page:
Strict Standards: Non-static method JSite::getMenu() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:xampphtdocsSentientAnalytics emplatesas002027index.php on line 43

Strict Standards: Non-static method JApplication::getMenu() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:xampphtdocsSentientAnalyticsincludesapplication.php on line 539

Please follow 5 steps instruction that you can found here : and you will get same site like you can see on our demo or just ignore and build it from the start.

Regarding top messages it looks like display error is on (have to be off ), see here for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Changing the php.ini worled great, error messages are gone!!

I have followed the five steps, but no images are being displayed. what does it mean to upload them? I just unzipped the images directory and replaced the images directiry in the site. If I go to Media Manager I can see all the files in the folder structure, but they are not being displayed in the page. I assume I need to do something else with the images to 'upload them/"

Please, provide us access to admin panel , we would like to see it.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi thank you for your last reply re Google Analytics etc and I have it going - no issues.

Also thanks for the email news regarding the updated version .. but I do not know what I should do now!

Do I need to buy the updated version to replace mine? Is it important
that I update to maintain it?

I am using it for my site in Joomla 2.5.4 and about to upgrade to 2.5.6 and don't want to mess anything up.


Your license expiration date is 2012-09-20, that mean you can download latest version of template for free.
About new version. It absolutely remodeled template with much more options, so if you go to use it, you should install new joomla and build it from start. We recommend download newest version , install another joomla and copy all your data, or just ignore and keep using your old version.

Regards, AS Team.
Everything is working, images work, all GREAT!! Love the template but I have two questions. First, is there a way to move Positions. For example, my menu at Position-6 is only three entries and I would like to move it a little down the page to make it look more balanced.

Second, why can't I change the graphics used in the black and grey header banner? I change the image bg.header.png to a differnt color, but nothing changed in the top. If I change to a blue color, the appropriate parts of the screen change. How cna I getthe top to change?


1) go to tmpl.header.css and change padding parameters in #header .row1col2 ul from 15px 0 15px 55px to for example 45px 0 15px 55px

2)We have to check this issue.

Regards, AS Team.

Changing the CSS file worked great!!!

I also figured out the graphics problem. Seems the bg.header.png for he header is coming from ../images/sampledata but rather from ../templates/as002027/images, wheresa the ones that changed were coming from ../images/sampledata

Thanks again, great template and GREAT support!!!
I installed new version of template and as I can see there's only black pattern background. My previous site was built with red one so, how can I setup red pattern?

In this version Background pattern you have select from the media manager, see template parameters

Regards, AS Team
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