Joomla! Template AT Jewellery - Item Support

I have bought AT Jewellery Extended License. I download the zip files, I uploaded the quick start joomla package, but dosen't include joomla or any template only some .ini files. How can upload the quick start package?
I have bought the AT jewellery template and in the product list the margins are not the same in left and right. You can see it int the following link. How can I fix it?
Best Regards
I have received the e-mail but not the solution in my problem.

This is your e-mail

" You are receiving this notification because you made comment to the Item - AT Jewellery.
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After the css which I have put in template settings the problem repair there, but in the home page in the latest products the one product is down and three up.

Also, when the products are more than four, the buttons down with numbers 1, 2 more .... don't work. Works only the display not the NaN results 1-4 of 5

How can I fix it?
In the site which you can see in the link bellow, I would like to have the cart icon and not the text " The cart is empty" . I have tried to change the settings in HikaShop Cart Module but nothing.

Thanks in advance
Dimitra Mavroeidis

Please answer to me in this e-mail, because I have problems with my customer.

1. As you can see in the following link the product description page isn't responsive in the mobiles. The description appears on the image.

2. Also as you can see in the same page the button add to cart and the quantity of the product dosen't work in the Greek language, but only in the English One.

How can I solve these two problems?

Best Regards

Dimitra Mavroeidis
Thank you very much for the responsive code.

As concern the second problem, I can see that happens and in two languages, when the product has only one photo.

If has and another photo in the product description the buttons works fine.

What can we do about that?

Thank you again for your help

Dimita Mavroeidis
1. I Just notice that the photo isn't responsive, only the product description looks better now.

2. The next -previous buttons, how can I put them in another place

3. Also in the product description, I would like the button with the product quantity to be in the same position withe button "add to cart"

Now is higher

Best Regards
Dimitra Mavroeidis
Also in the responsive mobile, the menu dosen/t appear

Thank you very very much for your help.

1.The responsive is o.k now, only I would like if you can the three lines for the menu in the mobile to not displayed on the desktops. Only in the mobiles.

Something else.
2.The button add to cart and the quantity of the product dosen't work if in the product picture has only the main photo. You can see it in the link below

But If has two or more photos works perfectly. You can see it in the link below.

3. The next/previous button, I don't want to disapper it. I would like to move it in another place as is th position under the add quantity and add to cart.

Again thank you very much for your help and I would like to tell me where can I write a comment for your excellent work.

I have noticed that the "add to cart" button inside the "product description" and also th "add quantity" don't work when the option "Show shortcuts to other category products" is yes.

Now I have put it in "yes" and works. But how the customers will see ther other products of the category?

Best Regards
Dimitra Mavroeidis
from the link below, how can change the title color and the text color of the bottom 1, the color title of the bottom 2 and the color title of the bottom 3 ?

I have changed the font color on check out page in #ffffff and after that, have changed and the font color in the bottom position.

Please scroll down to the bottom

Best Regards
Dimitra Mavroeidis
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Item Name:
AT Jewellery
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 4 Product
$29.00 $21.75
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
$39.00 $29.25
Extended License

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