Joomla! Template AT Vegeret - Item Support

how to install this template
i just installed the QuickStart and running the update's.

how can i receive the updates for
Advanced Portfolio Pro
I cant install the quickstart. My host says the RAM arent sufficient. But i have 2GB RAM on the server. Have you an idea whats the problem?
I have several template issues mainly with the shop pages.
Please check the website.

Product image not centered.
Product page test and button alignment..
As special with product discount.
Pop-up not working
Checkout page on mobile device.

i have made some adjustments.. not the right way i think but okay.

dutch language overrule used for serveral aspects
to hide the text in case of discount.
i only need original price (stroked) and new price

the product page is not listing correctly when more information is added (for example. retail price, normal price, discount price, etc.etc.

need fast support.. webshop needs to go online soon because of the holiday's...
How to create extra preset or adjust a preset.
site needs other color scheme..
Pagination not working.
Is the Vegerate template compatible with Joomla 3.6.5?
Hello, I bought a template for my web and is not even download. What kind of joomla version I need for this template?
Hello I would like to buy the product but the payment site does not work where else can I get the product and you can support us in the product installation. My email address I am referring to the turkey as soon as I'm waiting for an answer from you thanks
i have just bought and installed the template. When i click on ADD TO CART, I am getting the following error:
Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string
I have installed the plugin but the error did not go away. what should i do next? thanks
*You must Sign In or Sign Up to discuss this item.
Item Name:
AT Vegeret
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 4 Product
$29.00 $21.75
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
$39.00 $29.25
Extended License

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