Joomla! Template 002104 - Item Support

How can we change the text "more" in blog layout
And how can we change in blog-layout that we can see the date?
1. For overriding joomla constants please see the following page:
2. Under article options tab you have to set Show Create Date and Show Modify Date parameters to Show.

Regards, AS Team.
That`s the problem, we didn´t find "more" in the language-inis and the changes in article options don´t work. we work with joomla since 1999 but now we can´t find the solutions.
another problem is, that no changes in the joomlagallery are visible. with an standard-template like beez all is working fine.
would you please check it in the admin for me, because we´ve pay for you template.
Many thanks.
Sorry, in the meantime we found the problem with "more". It was in the sample-article. but a lot of more isn´t working. we can´t change globals in the article options like date.
if we disable publishdate, the createdate isn´t shown. with a standardtemplate it is working fine.
in blogfunction we musst enable createdate, publishdate and modifydate to see modify and createdate in the blog.
you can see it is strange
there are lot of more bugs. in joomgallery is no categorydescription, number of pictures and pagenumbers visible. in sourcecode it is visible. With a standardtemplate like Beez it works fine.
Sorry, 1999? Something is wrong here, the Joomla first release was 12 years ago in 2005:

Template 002104 is not a standard template, it is designed for childcare center with integrated isotope gallery plugin, the standard Beez template does not have such plugin.

Regards, AS Team.
Before it was Joomla, it called mambo ;) we worked with it.

is this your awnser for the other questions? very bad support.
I installed premium version anda the menu is allways duplicated, de mobile anda de desktop.
How can I solve this, please?
I solved. It as to be with a AS superfish menu, not only the normal superfish.
i tried to install the data template in windows xp and i have no problem, but joomla now need php version > 5.6, then i install php 5.6 in windows 10 and never ends installation page. I need a solution ASAP pls
Please be sure your server meets Joomla requirements, see at the bottom of the following page :

Pay attention on recommended PHP settings:
max_execution_time = 300

Regards, AS Team.
thanks very much, problem solved
where can I see the predefined colorstyles for this template?
We are sorry, we do not see this item under your account, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
I was just thinking about buying this template, but I wanted to know the colors first. I cannot find them in your description. I do not want to have support for this template, just information.
The colors can be easily changed by editing css.

Regards, AS Team.
I have an existing homepage in Joomla and want to install the template, but somehow it does not work.
My Joomla version is 3.8.6., my provider is 1and1, the message is:0 "did not find any installation package"
I tried the zipped download and the unzipped version, can you help me?
Our suggestion is to install this template using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings, the package installation will save days of your time. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks, for your support. We have now installed quick-start installation package and things work fine so far. Just a question: we did not recognize the peach dots falling down from the top line down. It looks like the screen is broken. Is there a possibility to delete them?
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