Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

Position 12 (slidenews) contains the following text only:

<b>Template Features:</b> Set 3 column layout - 47 Possible Module Positions - All module positions are fully collapsible - Built-in jQuery dropdown menu - Built-in jQuery slider header banner - Slider showing on the home page only - and more ...

The following source code we are using for the demo preview in positions 17 and 18:

<h1>What We <span class="hword">Offer</span></h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sodales venenatis nulla eget porttitor. Pellentesque dui sapien, pharetra sed iaculis cursus, mattis quis nisl. Vivamus blandit felis vitae purus imperdiet ut malesuada lacus aliquam.</p>
<div class="readmore">
<a target="_self" href="#">READ MORE</a>

Here is an example of 'Read More' button with a link:

<div class="readmore">
<a target="_self" href="">READ MORE</a>

Yes, you can.

Do you mean featured article? Because we are not using positions 20-23 in the demo preview. Here is an example of the featured article 'WELCOME':

<p><img src="templates/as002031/images/sampledata/img1.thumb.jpg" alt="" /><br />
Nulla eu enim eget erat condimentum posuere. Duis magna est, laoreet ac mattis et, elementum eget justo. Vestibulum lobortis eleifend dolor ut porta. Aenean ac quam magna, id vestibulum lacus. Proin facilisis adipiscing nunc, sed porttitor arcu accumsan eget.</p>
<hr id="system-readmore" />
<p><img src="templates/as002031/images/sampledata/img1.jpg" alt="" class="left" />
Nulla eu enim eget erat condimentum posuere. Duis magna est, laoreet ac mattis et, elementum eget justo. Vestibulum lobortis eleifend dolor ut porta. Aenean ac quam magna, id vestibulum lacus. Proin facilisis adipiscing nunc, sed porttitor arcu accumsan eget. Morbi tempor laoreet tempus. Pellentesque fermentum nulla vitae enim pulvinar fringilla. Nulla tellus purus, tincidunt id venenatis sed, aliquet ac odio.</p>
Morbi dignissim ultrices auctor.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
Praesent iaculis molestie tortor nec iaculis.
I've selected background pattern to black but I couldn't change the width.
Am I able to change the width of body background in CSS?
Yes, it should be done in css only.
I have purchased the premium version, but only after having the free version originally installed. I deleted the files associated with the free version before installing the premium, but I still cannot get the drop down menus to work. I've already followed all the regular steps to do this and have checked the ”show sub menu items” box, but still nothing.

Is it possible some coding was left behind from the free version that is blocking me from doing this? Here is the temp url I am designing under:
Please provide us with access to the Joomla admin panel via ”Contact Us” page, we have to check it.
hi guys, installed my joomla 1.7.3 without the the slideshow is not running. no module installed on position3 ...put an article there on 2 pages...thank u in advance
We suggest you to install the sampledata, it will be easier for you to config all modules.


Is there anywhere to find the correct vertical position %'s for the number of images on the slider controls (template manager) to use if we don't use 3? If not can you get me the correct number for 4, 5 and 6 images.
The size of the images in this template is fixed: 700x300 px.

Regards, AS Team.
That wasn't what I was looking for, but I managed to figure it out myself. I was talking the options on the template itself where 4 images should be at 48.25 or so for vertical position % of the slider (Default is set to 50 for 3 images). I will adjust this as necessary but I thought u guys had a list of exact positioning for image numbers.

I do have another question that I can't seem to figure out. It seems like it would be easy. I have a box that pops up that is under the welcome, services, and bestsellers area. It is a plain box with only where i navigate to: home, articles, etc.

How do I stop this from having it say home, articles, or whatever in that area and just have the article title.
We have to see it, can you please provide us with an URL?
For those wondering: found my answer:

Under the main menu go to Home menu. Than go down to page display options, its called show page header: turn it to not show.
hi,i got one more problem with the template.after preparing the site for multilanguage with the joomla built in function. its not possible to show the slider just on the homepage. whats your solution?thank you very much in advance!
Can you please contact us through the 'Contact Us' page and provide with an access to the Joomla admin panel? Thank You.

Regards, AS Team.
I cannot make the same front page is yours.
I have 3 articles which i would like to partially show just like on your index page:

It doesn't look good.
I choose menu item type blog-featured, but I cannot to make the same layout you have. There are 2 issues:
1) how did you make thumbnails (not images) displaying in this case?
2) When you click on ”read more” - it lands on article page but with no part before ”read more” - no title, no image. How to fix it?


1. The thumbnail and the main image are different pictures.
2. As example take your first article: OUR MISSION, it's done correctly. As we see it contains the 'read more' button and all text before the button, please pay attention on the following tag in your featured article:

[hr id=”system-readmore” /]

How to make it? I want to have img1.jpg in the article and img1.thumb.jpg in the menu item ”blog-featured”, where top part of that article appears.
Here is a source code example of the 'Welcome' article:

<p><img src="templates/as002031/images/sampledata/img1.thumb.jpg" alt="" /><br />
Nulla eu enim eget erat condimentum posuere. Duis magna est, laoreet ac mattis et, elementum eget justo. Vestibulum lobortis eleifend dolor ut porta. Aenean ac quam magna, id vestibulum lacus. Proin facilisis adipiscing nunc, sed porttitor arcu accumsan eget.</p>
<hr id="system-readmore" />
<p><img src="templates/as002031/images/sampledata/img1.jpg" alt="" class="left" />
Nulla eu enim eget erat condimentum posuere. Duis magna est, laoreet ac mattis et, elementum eget justo. Vestibulum lobortis eleifend dolor ut porta. Aenean ac quam magna, id vestibulum lacus. Proin facilisis adipiscing nunc, sed porttitor arcu accumsan eget. Morbi tempor laoreet tempus. Pellentesque fermentum nulla vitae enim pulvinar fringilla. Nulla tellus purus, tincidunt id venenatis sed, aliquet ac odio. Pellentesque ultricies sollicitudin tortor. Sed fringilla, magna vel faucibus hendrerit, libero justo pharetra justo, ut dapibus ante magna ac nulla. Praesent condimentum lectus eget dolor condimentum posuere..</p>
Morbi dignissim ultrices auctor.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
Praesent iaculis molestie tortor nec iaculis.

How can I change the font colour in position 21 from white to dark grey? I have a licence copy but not the premium
This template doesn't have such option, you have to edit the template.css file. For example you have to add the following:

color: #CCCCCC;
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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