Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

Hello sambindu,

Please see the following article, step 7:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Help,
I purchased this template and I want to install it exactly how the demo os presented. I understand exactly how to install the template. But when it comes down to the sample data it just does not look the same? I am using Joomla 2.5.3.
Hello garyculwell,

Joomla template does not come with any demo content. Template is only predefined layout of possible modules positions including the main website graphics like header, logo or footer.
To make your Joomla! site look like our live demo please, you have to install all necessary modules through the administration section of your site. You may also need to add all the menu items and articles by yourself, or please contact us and ask for our services.

PLease see the following article for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Yeah I found that information shortly after. I have been trying to get sameple data in so I have uinstalled and reinstalled Joomla all together and now for whatever reason the template says it was install but does not show up in the Template Manager?
Figured it out the AS002031 is not yet compatable with 2.5.3 I dropped back to 1.7 and it installed fine.
Hello garyculwell,
It is fully compatible with Joomla! version 2.5.x

Regards, AS Team.
It installed fine but ran into a problem with modifying the paremeters. when trying to clear the background image after saving it just comes back(1.7.3.) If it is at all possible may i get a working copy with 2.5.3?
Your right I had to delete the template folder in my cpanels file manager. but still cant "clear the background image under logo type.
I have purchased the full template and have a few issues.
In Firefox it shows no errors
In Chrome it shows a broken image that appears to be in the background and can only be seen if you scroll slowly
In explorer it shows a broken image in the first article in the top left corner and also a red x in the upper most left corner of the page.
I have been through everything I can think of but cannot find the errors.
Any ideas ???
Hello SteveKeen,
Can you please provide us with an URL, we would like to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,

How I can made modules

Our products with redirection to articles.

And Footer info

In wich modules is

Black Bottom modules with text
Resources, Links, Contact Us.

Thank You.

Best Regards,

Hello gytis47,
In the positions 50 and 52 we used menu modules.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,

How I can move logo about 1 cm left?
Where is the positioning of LOGO?

Thank You.

Best Regards,

Dear Sirs,

After placin featured article i have this.

Fatal error: Class 'MailToHelper' not found in /home/speiguva/domains/ on line 47

How I can solve this problem?

Thank You.

Best Regards,


Hello gytis47,
We have to check this issue, please contact us through the "Contact Us" page and provide with an access to the Joomla admin panel.

Regards, AS Team.
HI, Logo configuration is not working properly when set to display a logo and a background...
Hello msbrizuela,
Can you please provide us with an URL and with more info about this problem.

Thank You, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,

Meniu "Our products" is HTML or Meniu module?

Can You give me an example how to redirect meniu to article?
How I can push LOGO in my about 1 cm to right?

Thank You in advance.

Best Regards,


Hello gytis47,
Yes, this is a menu module.
In case to move the logo you have to edit params.php file, please find the following (it should be online 423)

$companyname_margin = "60px 0px 0px 0px";

and replace with:

$companyname_margin = "60px 0px 0px 20px";

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,

How I can change LOGO dimensions in this site and how push about 1 cm right?

Also how to eliminate HOME from meniu Our products?

Thank You in advance.

Best Regards,


Meniu "Our products" is HTML or Meniu module?

Can You give me an example how to redirect meniu to article?
How I can push LOGO in my about 1 cm to right?

Thank You in advance.

Best Regards,


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