Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

Add the following style in the #header #topmenu ul class:

border: 1px solid #000000;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello :)
1st congrats - great template :)
But I have one "small" problem - a can't edit anythingfor ex. deleting some jpgs files) in template folder (access denided) - why?
Marcin Filipinski
There is a problem with your server configuration. You have change file permissions on your server to mode 777.

Regards, AS Team.
I get the following error message after you upload to the server:

  Fatal error: t3import not found object: core.libs.browser in / home/www/plugins/system/jat3/jat3/core/common.php on line 33

What can I do?
Hello NORRAM11,
Sorry, this template doesn't have T3 framework.

Regards, AS Team.
Oh Sorry,

i have template 2041, sorry
Hello NORRAM11,
For the template 002041 please ask your questions on the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello everyone. Can somebody tell me how to change the header? I got the PSD file and can edit it, but how should i save it? its the complete page layout!? furthermore i cant find a file like e.g. "header.jpg". PS: i'm new in joomla etc. ;) Regards
Hello KEKA289,
All images files you can find in the The file you can find in the 'as002031/images/styles' folder. All images you have to save in PNG format.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello again, first, thanks for your answer. Is it possible to get a .psd file for the menus? I have to translate all of it (e.g. the "Our Products" menu on the left side, etc.) into german. Regards.
Hello KEKA289,
The menu is located in the Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Our Products.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I have a problem installing as002031_quickstart joomla 2.5. After I fill form about SQL database and click next, browser start thinking and there is no end.

I tried to install empty joomla 2.5 , it works well.

How can I fix it or Is there any possobilities to merge demo database of template to an empty joomla 2.5 site?
We think there is some problems with your database, do you have the same problem when you installing the Joomla CMS 2.5.8? What PHP version do you have?

Regards, AS Team.
"The menu is located in the Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Our Products.
Regards, AS Team."

--> Hello again. I don't mean the content of the e.g. "our products" menu, i mean the <h3><span> tag, the headline. I want to change the language to "Unsere Produkte" instead of "Our Products". Regards.
Hello KEKA289,
Sorry for misunderstanding. Change the heading title you can in the Joomla admin panel -> Extensions -> Module Manager, in the position 43 please find menu module called Our Products and change the title.

Regards, AS Team.
hi ,

( regarding previous answer to MLODYWESOLEK POSTED 2012-11-16, about CHMOD 777 )

do I have to change lot of files and folders to 777 , as written in Joomla guide ?
Accordignly to the Joomla documantation is best to change all files.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi! I just installed the free version of this great template. However when I enable the login module I get a 500 error message in the front end. I thought it was the module, but it happens that works fine in other templates. What can I do to fix this because I really would love to use this template.

Thanks in advance

Hello GISELA0319,
We are sorry, we are not providing support for free versions.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello. Where I can change the " & Industrial Company" text / logo? I can not find it in the menu. I dont have to design a new one, right? Regards.
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