Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

templateDetails.xml, but probably you will ned to make changes in other files, please try first to change the xml file, hope it will work for you.

Regards, AS Team.

hi, iresolve the template details but i change for 1280 for Page width but for others resolusions do not work correctly. you say me or another file i solve this problem.
Sorry, what do you mean for other resolutions? This template has fixed size, it is not a responsive template.

Regards, AS Team.
ok tanks for help
I chose one of your templates to suit a site dedicated to a restaurant. I have a problem related with the configuration template.
I use Joomla 2.5 template and 002,031 AS - Joomla! 1:7; I installed the component 'chronoform' which uses 'fields'. The problem is that activation 'required field' does not work, only the captcha is mandatory.
I searched the forums a bit, and I found a track: using a basic template with Joomla installed, the problem does not happen.
I conclude that the template parameter affecting the operation of the component, in any subject.
Unfortunately I am not competent enough to change the css or other file. But the error may be resolved with a few well placed lines php.
You can test the problem at:
choice 'contact' or 'restaurant reservation'.
If you had more than one solution ...
Thank you in advance and Happy New Year 2013 to all your team!
We are sorry, we are not able to provide support for third-party extensions.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for the quick response, maybe I was not precise enough: the extension works perfectly, and I do not need any support for this. The problem is that this extension works on many Joomla templates suitable for when I can not make it work properly with AS 002,031. So the problem is not Joomla or extension chronoform, just a little bug in the template that I can not locate it.
If you spend a few minutes, I'll be very grateful.
With thanks.
hello there. i have a question.

i have a problem with my sidebar.

i have tried to put a backgroundimage by using the parametersettings for the template. but doing so doesn't allow me to make it repeat itself, wich is necesary. so i made the background for the left sidebar pink just so that i would be able to find it in the css pages so that i manualy could add a backgroundimage. but i can't find it anywhere. where can i make this change ? in wich templatefile ,
You have to add your css in the custom.css file, or please provide us with your site URL, we will check and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
I want the text on the left side of the slideshow
how can i make this happen.
My customer want this solved so i can buy the full template

Please contact me by email or pm

The caption can be done in the premium version using the slider parameters.

Regards, AS Team.
I bought this template in premium version and I have a small problem. I don't know why but when listing articles on the page shows symbols <<<

Please take a look on my page

Sorry, it comes from the article, not from the template, you have to check the article code.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello all,
I need support for this template. I installed it on a aruba server and I can see just the home page. When i try to see the other menu pages, the page is blank whit the error "No input file specified".

This is an example for an similar page opened by menu of the item.

Thancks to all.
Please provide us with an access to the Joomla admin panel, we have to check it.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello again,

I've checked the article code and it definitly deosn't come from it. If You can see symbol < appears on the top of the list of articles and not in the article. Adding article also add this annoying symbol. So it is a problem with the template. If this is a problem with the article it comes from Your code for the article and not from the lines that I write inside it.

Best regards
Hello ,

Here You have code from page analizer with that symbol

<div id="colmain">
<div id="system-message-container">
<div id="component">
<section class="category-list">
<div class="category-desc">
<div class="cat-items">
<form action="" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">
< < < < < < < <
<table class="category">
<div class="clear"/>
<!-- END OF COLUMN MAIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- COLUMN RIGHT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- END OF COLUMN RIGHT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
Sorry, template can't add any symbols, joomla template is only predefined layout of possible modules positions including the main website graphics like header, logo or footer. Please check the source code of your article using the 'Edit HTML Sorce' preview of your editor.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Templates,

I face a problem with the slider position.
I could not find the 'Slider configuration options' as mentioned in 'template configuration' in the 'how to' section of your website. So I installed the 'AS slider' module and choose position 'slider' of the AS002031 template.

Regretfully the position is not as shown in the demo but somewhere between position 0 and position 2 (Please see:
I verified this with Firefox (18.0) and Internet Explorer 9.

Your help is highly appreciated.

PHP Version 5.3.17
Joomla! Version Joomla! 2.5.8 Stable

Our suggestion is insall the template using the quick-start installation package so you will not have such problems.
The slider should be published in the module position 'slider', then you should config it using the AS Nivo slider parameters, currently you have put the slider width to 900px, instead 702px.

Regards, AS Team
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