I bought the extended licence, trying before the 2044 as regular licence and in any case, I can't putin place the menu 12,13,14 and 15!
I dont have the blue (as standard) drawing in the backside.
I use Joomla 2.5
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-05-06
We are sorry, we don't see the 002031 item under your account, please put your comment on the appropriated item comment page.
I am very satisfied with this - however there is one problem.
http://mavoshop.de/nowa2/ - no matter how many pictures I insert in the slider module, there are always only 3 displayed - and with no chance to show captions (although I enabled them in the settings).
What can be the reason?
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-05-09
Can you please provide us with an access to the Joomla admin panel? We have to check this issue.
Shoud I write the login data in here? Or send to some private mail address (not visible to everyone)?
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-05-09
Yes, please put here, it will be not published.
Regards, AS Team.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-05-10
You have 2 published AS Sliders: one in 'position 20' and the second in position 'slider', please to add images in slider published in position 'slider' :)
Just purchased and installed using the Joomla 3.0 Quickstart, but it doesn't look like the templates available in the template manager. When I tried to install the premium zip it said the template directory already exists.
What did I do wrong and how do I fix it?
This was a completely clean install into a new DB.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-05-12
Have you installed the quick-start package with the template sample data, it is very important, we think you missed it.
What is the best way to get the black pattern background in the background of the article (#colmain #component)? I tried putting it as the background of the #colmain, #component, #cmp_content in the style.default.css but that did not work.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-05-16
Hello KENDRA032,
You absolutely right, you have edit the following class in the style.default.css file:
Get an access to all 94 items designed and developed by AS Designing team plus all the future items
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View History
The <hr> Tag does not work on my Site.
Do i have to set something in the setup/settings?
Can you please let us know on which page we can see the problem?
Regards, AS Team.
View History
At the homepage you can see that there are <hr> tags in the code, but not showing up.
Thanks very much
In the tmpl.custom.css file please add the following class:
border-bottom: 1px solid #DEDEDE;
Or you can provide us with an access to the Joomla admin panel and we will do it for you.
Regards, AS Team.
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...i should implement it in the main template then...in the source package right?
Thanks for your super fast support!
In the tmpl.custom.css file only.
Regards, AS Team.
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The Joomla 2.5. doesn't support bootstrap, starting from 3.0 only.
Regards, AS Team.
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I dont have the blue (as standard) drawing in the backside.
I use Joomla 2.5
We are sorry, we don't see the 002031 item under your account, please put your comment on the appropriated item comment page.
Regards, AS Team.
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http://mavoshop.de/nowa2/ - no matter how many pictures I insert in the slider module, there are always only 3 displayed - and with no chance to show captions (although I enabled them in the settings).
What can be the reason?
Can you please provide us with an access to the Joomla admin panel? We have to check this issue.
Regards, AS Team.
View History
Shoud I write the login data in here? Or send to some private mail address (not visible to everyone)?
Yes, please put here, it will be not published.
Regards, AS Team.
You have 2 published AS Sliders: one in 'position 20' and the second in position 'slider', please to add images in slider published in position 'slider' :)
Regards, AS Team.
View History
View History
What did I do wrong and how do I fix it?
This was a completely clean install into a new DB.
Have you installed the quick-start package with the template sample data, it is very important, we think you missed it.
Regards, AS Team.
View History
You absolutely right, you have edit the following class in the style.default.css file:
#colmain #component, #cmp_content {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
border: 1px solid #DEDEDE;
color: #3F3C38;
you have just add background image property.
Regards, AS Team.