Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

I sent an email to your contact with the necessary information.

I can see letter ''A'' as default favicon and there is no image neither in
template or images or some-other folder.
Can you tell me where to replace/set favicon image?

owner of a PROtempate :)
You have to place it in the root template folder, for example:
www.yoursitename/templates/as002031/, probably you will need to clear your browser cash.

I have premium 002031, please tell me what file name I can change the size of the buttons of a position-1
You have to look for all ‘topmenu’ css classes in template.css and styles.php files.

How do I remove the background image header?

See class 'body' in styles.php file.

me again. I have a Menu Published on Position 1 - in which file and where in this file can i change the aligment - i want the menu items to be centered ...

thank you and merry Xmas ...

It can be done in the template.css file.
could you please be a little more specific ... i think i tried every possibility but didnt got the right result ...

thank you
I have the premium version of template 002031. I keep reading in these notes about template .css files but I cannot find them. Please help as I am a newbie and I am stuck. Also how do I remove the large bos that has the word ”home” in it
Thanks in advance
The template.css file can be found on your server in:
/templates/as002031/css folder.

Or you can edit it using Joomla admin panel, go to

Extensions - Template Manager - Templates, click on the template name, you should have all stylesheets on the right side of the page.
in the templates folder you find a folder as002031 and in this folder you will find a folder named ”CSS” there you will find all CSS files ..
All menu classes located between lines 307 and 428 in template.css file, as well in styles.php file between lines 174 and 247.

'To make your life easier', we can suggest you to work with Mozilla Firebug Add-ons, it is wonderful tool for web designers.
thank you for your replay ... i already use firebug ... but i think i was to stupid to find the right parameters ...

now i will try again ... thy
found class:

#header #topmenu {
float: left;

”float: center;”

has no effect .... only left or right

sorry CSS is not my ”homelanguage”

Am using Joomla 1.5.23, recently upgraded to premium template. I am having installation problems. It wont install due to the error:

Error! Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package.

I have tried all three installation methods unsuccessfully.

Please assist.
I downloaded again, then attempted another install with no luck. I have tried to install other templates and was successful.

Error! Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package.

Is there anything else i can do to force the installation?
Please download it one more time and install.
We have to check this issue, can you please contact us using Contact Us page and provide with access to the Joomla admin center? Thank You.
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Item Name:
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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