What is your website url please? Can you provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel? The access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.
We would like change PHP to latest version. If we do so, our website dosn't work anymore. We are using an older version of template 2031. We guess, the problem is the template. How to update to template version v560?
many thanks in advance
hallo, I'm using the US template 002031, after I apdate to joomla 4 the front end part can't work. is the US template 002031 not yet compatible with joomla 4 ?
big thanks for releasing the new Joomla 4.x compatible template. I am now about to prepare the upgrade of my existing deployment. Is there any guidance, recommendation or howto that describes how to do the template upgrade and what are dependencies or things to consider when before / while upgrading?
I am little confused on the dependencies, that come along in that exercise, like
- PHP 7 => PHP8
- Joomla 3.x => Joomla 4.x
- AS Template upgrade 3.x => 4.x
Will my content (components, modules, menus) remain or do I have re-create parts of them after switching to the Joomla 4.x template version?
Quick start doesn't work. I have purchased 002031 - Extended License. How do I install the set including sample data. And YES. I have read the attached procedure (Joomla Template installation using Quickstart package). 1. I uploaded as002031_quickstart.zip to the server. 2. I unpacked. (I have three files: en-GB.kickstart.ini, kickstart.php, quickstart_002031v600.jpa). 3. Open your web browser and navigate to the folder that you uploaded your package. 4. Not Found... The same procedure with the older version of the template was without problems.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2023-07-27
Hello CHALDA7503,
You have to run kickstart.php file, for example: www.yourwebsitename.com/kickstart.php
after migrating to Joomla 4 i installed the new template. Unfortunately the AS Menu at position 1 does not work. It should appear as in the template.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2023-11-07
You need to use AS Superfish Menu which is coming with the template installation package. Please look for 'mod_as_superfish_menu.4.0.1.zip' in the 'extensions' folder.
Get an access to all 94 items designed and developed by AS Designing team plus all the future items
which will be released over the course of your club subscription.
What is your website url please? Can you provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel? The access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.
Regards, AS Team.
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how can i use the LINK A function from a article
i want to link from the picture of an article
- pictures and links
to a internal link
for instance: http://www.two-sports.com/
one of the three articles in main window should point to a link
the title is linked to the full article OK
but the picture could not be linked via Link A function
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many thanks in advance
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I am using the As 002031 Template.
After upgrading to Joomla 4.xxx the frontend didnt work anymore.
It was displayed the failure:
500 - behavior::caption not found
Will AS make this template Joomla 4.xxx-ready?
We are sorry, the template is not compatible yet with Joomla version 4.
Regards, AS Team.
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are there any plans to make the template 002031 ready to run on Joomla 4? End of support for Joomla 3.x has been announce for August 2023....
We are working on the update, it will take some time.
Regards, AS Team.
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big thanks for releasing the new Joomla 4.x compatible template. I am now about to prepare the upgrade of my existing deployment. Is there any guidance, recommendation or howto that describes how to do the template upgrade and what are dependencies or things to consider when before / while upgrading?
I am little confused on the dependencies, that come along in that exercise, like
- PHP 7 => PHP8
- Joomla 3.x => Joomla 4.x
- AS Template upgrade 3.x => 4.x
Will my content (components, modules, menus) remain or do I have re-create parts of them after switching to the Joomla 4.x template version?
Thanks in advance
Each website is different, we do not know what kind of content you have,
Joomla has the following doc for upgrading from version 3 to 4:
Or you may ask for our services here:
Regards, AS Team.
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Quick start doesn't work. I have purchased 002031 - Extended License. How do I install the set including sample data. And YES. I have read the attached procedure (Joomla Template installation using Quickstart package). 1. I uploaded as002031_quickstart.zip to the server. 2. I unpacked. (I have three files: en-GB.kickstart.ini, kickstart.php, quickstart_002031v600.jpa). 3. Open your web browser and navigate to the folder that you uploaded your package. 4. Not Found... The same procedure with the older version of the template was without problems.
You have to run kickstart.php file, for example: www.yourwebsitename.com/kickstart.php
Regards, AS Team.
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thank you
Please check the following Joomla documentation, it should help you, Joomla 3.x to 4.x Step by Step Migration:
Regards, AS Team.
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The position 3 is not designed for menu, the main menu you have to publish in position 1, the module position table you an preview here:
Regards, AS Team.
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What is your website url please, we need to see it in case to help you.
Regards, AS Team.
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after migrating to Joomla 4 i installed the new template. Unfortunately the AS Menu at position 1 does not work. It should appear as in the template.
You need to use AS Superfish Menu which is coming with the template installation package. Please look for 'mod_as_superfish_menu.4.0.1.zip' in the 'extensions' folder.
Regards, AS Team.