Joomla! Modules Configuration

Joomla template does not come with any demo content. Template is only predefined layout of possible modules positions including the main website graphics like header, logo or footer. To make your Joomla! site look like our demo preview please, you have to install and config all necessary modules through the administration section of your site. You may also need to add all the menu items and articles by yourself, or please contact us and ask for our services.
Check the Position Page for all available module positions in this template.
In this article you will find a clear description about all used modules in our template, information about to which position you have to assign it, as well we will provide you with HTML code for some of Articles and Custom HTML modules.

Modules Configuration Table

The table below lists all modules used in this template. All modules can be accessed through Joomla Administration panel from the Extensions -> Module Manager screen.

  • Title
  • Position
  • Type
  • Call Us
  • as-position-4
  • Custom HTML
  • Strategy
  • as-position-6
  • Articles Newsflash
  • Terms
  • as-position-10
  • Random Image
  • Login
  • as-position-11
  • Login
  • Around Us
  • as-position-30
  • Phoca Gallery Image Module

Position-1 (As Menu)

The AS Menu module displays a main Joomla! template menu for desktop and mobile devices.

Pages: All

Position-4 (Call Us)

This Module allows you to create your own HTML Module using a WYSIWYG editor.
Source code exemple:
<p>CALL US: 1 234 567 8910</p>

Pages: All

Position-4 (Social Menu)

This module displays a Social Icon Menu.

Pages: All

Position-5 (AS ArtSlider)

The AS ArtSlider module is a combination of default Joomla Articles Newsflash module and Camera Slideshow jQuery plugin.

Pages: Home

Position-6 (We Are Creative)

This Module allows you to create your own HTML Module using a WYSIWYG editor.
Source code exemple:
<p><img class="img-intro__left" src="images/sampledata/asimages/creative.jpg" alt="" /></p>
<p>In this template we would like to present something new and extraordinary – and its name is Joomla 3 Bootstrapped Template! This template is based on the Bootstrap and AS Frameworks, the Bootstrap Framework makes it fully responsive to all screen resolutions and aspect ratios, the AS Framework allows you to customize our templates with minimum coding knowledge.<br /><br />Developed by Twitter (, Bootstrap is a library of user interface elements that will standardize the user interfaces of your Joomla! templates. Not only is this great for template developers who no longer have to develop their own interface elements but also for users who will get to enjoy a standard easy to use and graphically pleasing interface across all Joomla! templates.</p>

Pages: About Us

Position-6 (Solutions, Analytics, Strategy, Targeting)

The Article Newsflash Module will display a fixed number of Articles from a specific Category or a set of Categories.

Pages: Home

Position-10 (Terms)

This Module displays a random image from your chosen directory.

Pages: Terms of Use, Privacy Policy

Position-11 (Login)

This module displays a username and password login form. It also displays a link to retrieve a forgotten password. If user registration is enabled (in User Manager > Options), another link will be shown to enable self-registration for users.

Pages: Blog 1 Column

Position-11 (Why Choose Us)

The Article Newsflash Module will display a fixed number of Articles from a specific Category or a set of Categories.

Pages: Testimonials

Position- (Events & News)

The Article Newsflash Module will display a fixed number of Articles from a specific Category or a set of Categories.

Pages: Blog 1 Column

Position-11 (Our Advantages)

This Module allows you to create your own HTML Module using a WYSIWYG editor.
Source code exemple:
<p>Mauris eu eros fringilla, sodales eros in, rutrum magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque metus nulla, gravida eget neque sed, tempus sagittis ipsum. Etiam scelerisque elementum fringilla. Mauris ac pulvinar diam, scelerisque dapibus enim. Nam mi purus, elementum interdum turpis id, aliquam mattis mi. Aenean pellentesque congue nibh, vel gravida lacus vulputate ut. Praesent sit amet urna porta ipsum volutpat condimentum vitae adipiscing est. Praesent vestibulum nec sapien ac elementum. Ut suscipit, velit hendrerit vulputate congue, turpis nibh varius lectus, vitae vehicula quam lorem et turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.</p>
<p>Integer vitae lectus sollicitudin, tincidunt mi nec, ultricies ante. Vestibulum sed justo vestibulum, mollis odio sed, congue diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Suspendisse egestas ligula ante. Aliquam auctor laoreet dolor, quis eleifend nunc mollis at. Quisque vulputate libero nec mauris mattis ut mollis enim imperdiet. Vivamus interdum egestas mi sed gravida. Suspendisse molestie tincidunt consequat. Cras tincidunt tempor imperdiet</p>

Pages: About Us

Position-15 (User Menu)

This module displays a User Menu.

Pages: Blog 1 Column

Position-16 (Popular Info)

This module displays a Popular Info Menu.

Pages: Home

Position-23 (You Have to Know)

This Module allows you to create your own HTML Module using a WYSIWYG editor.
Source code exemple:
<p>Aenean nec tortor erat. Nam metus sem, hendrerit rhoncus bibendum sit amet, vulputate et urna. Curabitur ac molestie nunc. Proin aliquam adipiscing quam eget auctor. In facilisis porta dui, sit amet scelerisque elit eleifend vel. Curabitur eget tortor in sapien tincidunt auctor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer et ante arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut in velit est. Integer commodo sapien at metus fermentum sagittis. Duis pretium urna sit amet libero elementum non rutrum nulla pharetra. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur dolor massa. Donec ac est ut mauris molestie mattis non non sapien. Nullam fringilla sapien vel nulla scelerisque consequat. Donec sed tellus dolor, vitae fermentum tellus.</p>

Pages: Careers

Position-30 (Around Us)

Phoca Gallery Image Module - displaying images from Phoca Gallery in module position.

Pages: All except Our Stuff, Our Services, Testimonials

Position-30 (Contact Us)

This Module allows you to create your own HTML Module using a WYSIWYG editor.
Source code exemple:
<h4 class="social">+1 800 987 65 43</h4>
<h3>Visit Us</h3>
<p>17600 Yonge Biggest St, Toronto<br /> Ontario L3Y 4Z1</p>

Pages: All except Contacts

Position-30 (We Are Open)

This Module allows you to create your own HTML Module using a WYSIWYG editor.
Source code exemple:
<ul class="workinghours">
<li><span class="weekday">Monday:</span> 10:00am - 9:00pm</li>
<li><span class="weekday">Tuesday:</span> 10:00am - 9:00pm</li>
<li><span class="weekday">Wednesday:</span> 10:00am - 9:00pm</li>
<li><span class="weekday">Thursday:</span> 10:00am - 9:00pm</li>
<li><span class="weekday">Friday:</span> 10:00am - 9:00pm</li>
<li><span class="weekday">Saturday:</span> 10:00am - 4:00pm</li>
<li><span class="weekday">Sunday:</span> 10:00am - 4:00pm</li>

Pages: All except Home, Blog 1 Column, Blog 3 Column

Position-30 (People Are Talking)

This Module allows you to create your own HTML Module using a WYSIWYG editor.
Source code exemple:
<div class="blockquote"> </div>
<p style="padding-right: 40px;">Proin sodales auctor ligula eget hendrerit fermentum fermentum. Morbi porttitor pharetra libero et semper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin sodales auctor ligula eget hendrerit fermentum</p>

Pages: Home, Our Stuff, Our Services, Testimonials

Position-30 (Events Newsletters)

Subscribe / Unsubscribe Module for AcyMailing.

Pages: Blog 1 Column, Blog 3 Column, Our Stuff, Our Services, Testimonials

Position-31 (DISCLAIMER)

This Module allows you to create your own HTML Module using a WYSIWYG editor.
Source code exemple:
<p>DISCLAIMER: Aenean nec tortor erat. Nam metus sem, hendrerit rhoncus bibendum sit amet, vulputate et urna. Curabitur ac molestie nunc. Proin aliquam adipiscing quam eget auctor. In facilisis porta dui, sit amet scelerisque elit eleifend vel. Curabitur eget tortor in sapien tincidunt auctor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer et ante arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut in velit est. Integer commodo sapien at metus fermentum sagittis. Duis pretium urna sit amet libero elementum non rutrum nulla pharetra. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur dolor massa. Donec ac est ut mauris molestie mattis non non sapien. Nullam fringilla sapien vel nulla scelerisque consequat. Donec sed tellus dolor, vitae fermentum tellus.</p>

Pages: All

Position-35 (Terms Menu)

This module displays a Terms Menu.

Pages: All

Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

AS Designing Templates Club

Templates Club
Get an access to all 94 items designed and developed by AS Designing team plus all the future items which will be released over the course of your club subscription.

Price starting from $59.00

Joomla! Template 002058 Description

002058 Responsive Business Joomla! template is based on the Bootstrap and AS Frameworks. The Bootstrap Framework makes it fully responsive to all screen resolutions and aspect ratios, the AS Framework allows you to customize our templates with minimum coding knowledge.

The design is professional, the seriousness of your company is underlined with design of this template. Entering the site based on it, visitors will easily catch the main idea of your business and get any information concerning it. Thought-out structure of the content helps communicate it in easy-to-perceive way. Drive more clients in and increase their number with a premium site based on this template.