Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

Hello there,

Just purchased the template and am trying to use it with Joomla v3.x.

Upon successful installation the following errors appear in the browser above any HTML.

Strict Standards: Non-static method JSite::getMenu() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:xampphtdocsjoomla emplatesas002032index.php on line 30

Strict Standards: Non-static method JApplication::getMenu() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:xampphtdocsjoomlaincludesapplication.php on line 569

Strict Standards: Non-static method JSite::getMenu() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:xampphtdocsjoomla emplatesas002032index.php on line 50

Strict Standards: Non-static method JApplication::getMenu() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:xampphtdocsjoomlaincludesapplication.php on line 569

Tries multiple browsers (IE, Firefox and Chrome) but results are the same. Reinstalled Joomla v3.x and first thing I did upon installation is installing the template. Results remain the same and same errors appear in the top of browser window. Seems you guys have compatibility issues with Joomla v3.x. Please address that and get back with me ASAP.

Hello Z0DIAC13,

There is a problem with your local server configuration, please see the following article for more info:

or just please disable any messages in your Joomla Admin Panel -> Global Configuration -> Server -> Error Repoting -> None.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Guys from AS Templates,

that was an issue with your PHP code which is gone once I've fixed it. Please make the following modifications in lines 30 and 50 of template's index.php file.

- change in both lines JSite::getMenu() to $app->getMenu()

Since $app is defined in line 20 of index.php as $app = JFactory::getApplication(); everything will start working as it should be.

Hello Z0DIAC13,
Thank you for noticing about this problem, we will check this issue and make all necessary changes if needed.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Guys

I see one more issue with the template, may be it is Joomla v3.x specific, not sure yet.

Contact details on Contact Us page are not shown nicely unlike it's seen on your demo pages. Part of address (ZIP and country) was placed under small house icon. Then goes tel icon with its corresponding entry, which is displayed right way but next two lines (fax and cell info) are indented, fax by one tab and cell by two tabs from the beginning of the line. Overall not nice presentation at all. Please check this out.

Hello Z0DIAC13,
Can you please provide us with your site url? We would like to see the problem.

Regards, AS Team.

I didn't publish it yet, cannot really publish till all issues got resolved.

Though, I can send you a screenshot indicating the issue. Let me know what email address I can use for providing those screenshots.

Hello Z0DIAC13,
We are sorry, we have to see the source code.

Regards, AS Team.

I'm not sure what you mean by saying "source code"'s source code that I've downloaded from your site upon template purchase. I didn't do any modifications to it yet.

You can install Joomla 3.x, then your template and I'm quite sure you are going to face same issue as I do with "Contact Us" page.

Let me know if I'm wrong.

Hello Z0DIAC13,
Thank You for noticing about this issue, we found the problem, there are some missed files in the template installation package, the problem should be fixed in 1-2 business days, we are going as well check issue with 'getMenu' messages for Joomla version 3.0.
Thank You one more time.

Regards, AS Team

that sounds good. Please notice that on the same "Contact Us" page all fields under Contact Form are also messed up, i.e. email, subject and message labels and fields.
Hello Z0DIAC13,
It looks like there is a bug with Contact Us component in Joomla version 3, in version 2.5 it works just perfect, we are going to replace it with another one, hope it will be done today.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Z0DIAC13,
We have fixed the issue with Contact Us component in Joomla version 3.0,
the item you can download from your AS account and update all files from the following folder: as002032htmlcom_contactcontact

Our suggestion is use Joomla version 2.5, the Joomla version 3.0 is not stable version yet.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,

I've applied the patch and confirm it does work. Thanks for the prompt turnaround.

EZ Ping Networks Inc.
Dev Team
Hi AS Team,

I'm getting another errors in your template's PHP code, quite similar to the ones I've yet reported, see below:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:xampphtdocsjoomla emplatesas002032index.php on line 36

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:xampphtdocsjoomla emplatesas002032index.php on line 50

Can you please review your entire code so that we don't have to chase those errors one by one?

Let me know what your resolution to the above errors is.

Hello Z0DIAC13,
As we told you in one of our previous comment there is a problem with your local server configuration, please see the following article for more info:

or just please disable any messages in your Joomla Admin Panel -> Global Configuration -> Server -> Error Reporting -> None.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,

Articles' pagination shown as following.

Start Prev 1 2 3 4 5 Next End

I'd expect it differently, something like that.

<<Start <Prev 1 2 3 4 5 Next> End>>

Or at least the way it is on these "Comments" pages:

<< < 1 2 3 4 5 > >> ( >>,<<,>,> being used as small icons, see above)

Can it be changed from what I'm getting?

Hello Z0DIAC13,
Sorry, there is no such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 5 Product
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