Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

We think there is some misunderstanding, can you please explain the problem one more time and in more details?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Team,

I will try it. On the original template are on position as-6 four pictures.
When you click on the picture of Meeting room, there is a page of information. On this page also you can see the button <Prev (link?)
Clicking on it you get the info of the following page Single Room #4,
Click again delivers the page Single Room #2. They are all at the module Meeting Rooms and the catagory Meeting Rooms. Now I make the same construction on my site Unfortunately, I now only to see the two intros, among each other. (see Organisatie).
Regards Gjalt
We need an access to your Joomla admin panel for checking this issue please.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Team,

I have send it

regards Gjalt.
Sorry, it doesn't work, please be sure our account has Super User permissions.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

I have made a new superuser, so it should work.
Regards Gjalt.
Still can't connect, we are receiving the following message:

'De combinatie van gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord is niet correct of u heeft nog geen account.'

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Team,

That information means, the username en password are not right. I have send you this information under Company Info of my Account profile. It is case sensitive. So please try again.

Regards Gjalt
We copy/paste the username and password, still doesn't work.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Team,

In addition of the username and password there is an emailadres. I have entered my email address in there. Perhaps it should be yours ?

Regards Gjalt
Hello Team,

I also made the site local.The difference I see with firebug is, that in the case of online there is no call takes place of <ul class= pager pagenav>
it stops with: <div class="item_fulltext">
there should be also
<ul class="pager pagenav">

regards Gjalt
Probably the pagination option in disabled in your Joomla panel, sorry, but without an access to the panel we can't help you a lot.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Team,
I have a lot of problems with my provider, so I cancelled the contract.
Perhaps with another provider it will be fine. So far, thanks for the support.
Regards Gjalt
Hello AS Team,
I now have a different provider and it seems to work correctly.
Still one little problem. On the module Ons-orkest there are three pages and the order is ascending. The order in the module is declared as publication date. The first page that is seen is Orkest-info with publication date of 2013-11-18. That is correct.
Unfortunately we also see Vorige meaning Previous. The second page is then Our conductor. This is also good, but it had not Previous, but should be Next. With the order descending come emerged the wrong pages.

Regards Gjalt.
Not quite understand your problem, on the home page we can see 3 modules, in the following ordering, from left to right:
Ons Orkest, Optredens, Onze muziek, can you please let us know what is the problem here?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello team,
Within the modules, there are two or more pages. The order of the pages is publication date. It doesn't matter if that is in ascending or descending order. In the case of Ons Orkest, comes first the Orkest-info and then dirigent (according to the publication dates). I would expect, that after the orkest-info would be the Next button under the page info. Unfortunately, there is now Previous. (in Dutch Vorige). The next module Optredens no problems. ( same ordening) Again the module Onze muziek. The same problems like Ons Orkest. I hope the problem is clear?

regards Gjalt.

The ordering in the module is developed for one article only, because it shows one article, when you click on Read More button it redirects your site visitor to blog, and only here you can manage your articles ordering.
Please check the following page, it should help you with your problem:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Team,
How to change de hover color of the read more button en the hover color of the Previous and Next button in the modules Meeting Rooms, Guest rooms etc.

regards Gjalt.
We are sorry, your license was expired, we are supporting our products for a period of 365 days after the date of purchase.

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
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