Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

hello ASTeam,

I have found the setting under additional settings-interval time. So that problem is solved. But I have another problem. When I click on the picture in The News Show Pro, the featured info from the homepage still present.
In this case you have to create menu items for each of your articles.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Team,
I do not understand at all why there should be a menu item for a character of the mod_news_pro_gk4. For example the figure of Bob Marly has nowhere a menu item and also the other figurines have no menu item.
Probably see I overlook something. But the information is neatly on the page, without the slider and directly under the main menu.

We just answering on your question, if you installed the template using quick-start installation package you can see menu called 'Team' with 4 menu items, all these items points to articles used in the mod_news_pro_gk4 module.

Regards, AS Team.
AS Team,
I have misunderstood your answer.I thought I had to be in the main menu.
Thanks for your patience.

regards Gjalt.
Just please try to create a new menu with new menu items and point them on your articles, if it will not work for you please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel for checking this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
After I have the site tested on a test site, I would like to install it now on the original site. So I created a database and execute quickstart. After that I like to install the Joomla installation. But I come no further than the Pre-Installation check. What to do next?
Do you have any messages in the presentational check? Usually it happens if your server doesn't meet technical requirements, please see the following page for the requirements:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello ASTeam,
I have no messages in the presentational check.
And the provider has everything as it should be.
So it is curious do you not?
Try to install origonal joomla installation from website, if you will have the same problem you have to contact your hosting provider, otherwise you will need to provide us with an access to your server via cPanel for checking this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello ASTeam,

Origonal Joomla installation had the same problem in doing so, I got the following message: Your host needs to disable magic_quotes_gpc to run this version of Joomla!
The provider has this resolved, after which everything was ready.
So problem solved and thanks.
regards Gjalt.
Hello AS Team,
I'm working on customizing the template.
So I have the photo hotel.png replaced by kerken.png.
I did the same thing on my test site
but on the real site it doesn't work,
Same picture same sizes.
What did I do wrong?

Sorry, we can't see the site.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

I have the information sent to my purchased items.
On which page we can see this photo?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,
When you click on the image to visit meeting Rooms, the information is placed directly under the header. In my site the original info is still present. The info about the meeting rooms is placed where normally the welcome info was placed
Can you please provide us with direct url where we can see the image with meeting room? We think you have to create a menu items for each of your articles.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello team AS,
In position as-position-6, there are normally 4 Articles - Newsflash modules.
I've changed it in 3.So I also adjusted to the value of the bootstrap 4.
On the original site, this works fine. It does this also work on my site, but not well. Please look at The titels are different, but it is still on position as-position-6.
Just checked your site, you have the same module titles like on our demo preview, or maybe we did not understand right your question?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS team
Thanks for your time. Until yesterday I understood your answer either. By now, I have processed the suggestions and everything works as desired
Regards Gjalt
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
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