Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

Hi ya,

in the 002032 Premium Version, is it possible to change the height of the silder (box), if so, where do I have to change it?

Thank you
You have change the height in the slider.css file:

#slideshow {
background-image: url(”../../images/bg.slideshow.png”);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
float: none;
height: 280px;
margin: 0 1px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
width: 1000px;

as well edit the bg.slideshow.png file.
Thanx, solved the problem, as I was used to change it directly in the template (where I can´t see the slider.css) I haven´t thought of this css file.
Thank you again

I can´t assign a css class to a table in the main content section.

I believe that we are talking about #colmain in the css file, but there is no such thing as a .moduletable. Is that the reason why I can´t assign a css class?

Looking forward to hearing from you.
The css for .moduletables you can find in the joomla.css file
Thank, that solved the problem, thank you for that quick answer.

And please one last thing: if I add table to the content, all text flows nicely (in the main body - colmain) around the table (depending on the alignement of the table) exept one thing: if I add a list - (unsorted list,..) this doesnt flow - the text (well in the case the list) appears quite down the buttom only when the table is finished, than in the next line.
As this does not appear on other sites I have (with different templates for Joomla) I just wondered if that is an template issue.

I hope you can help me with that problem.

Thank you again.
We think you have to write some css for your table, sorry :(
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