Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

Hello ABRAMQ1,
You need to set bootstrap column size for your menu module.

Regards, AS Team.
Just bought the full and changed as you answered - "bootstrap column size" to 6. Now the logo position is ok, but all that is below the menu now is displayed covering the white frame between the menu and the rest (it is displayed too high) -
I only use two modules: AS Superfish Menu (pos-1) and AS ArtSlider (pos-5) - maybe you did not test such a simple configuration?
I also can not see more modules to add: Site Modules -> New shows only that two modules.
Hello ABRAMQ1,
If your logo size is 3 columns the menu column size should be 9 columns, please change and check.

Regards, AS Team.
After buying this template I instaled the "kickstart" to see your sample site, but the site doesn't work - error: 0 Class "Joomla\Plugin\System\Fields\Extension\Fields" not found /as2032/plugins/system/fields/services/provider.php : line 37
Also trying that KickStart with Joomla 4.4.0 but the same error:
0 Class "Joomla\Plugin\System\Fields\Extension\Fields" not found /as2032/plugins/system/fields/services/provider.php : line 38
Loosing so much time... will as for return my money back...
I only want to install that site from KickStart to see how it is all configured, to make my site usable. Why after installing the Kickstart it crushes not only the site but also admin site? How to install KickStart?
Hello ABRAMQ1,
Please check the kickstart installation documentation here:

Let us know if you still have problems.

Regards, AS Team.
Ok...just installed that KickStart, wasting so many hours... WHY did you not write, that there should not be any joomla installation in that folder when I restore KickStart?!
Hello ABRAMQ1,
The kickstart installation documentation you can find in the downloaded package.

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry, "if your logo size is 3 columns the menu column size should be 9 columns" - where is that "menu column size"...?
Hello ABRAMQ1,
The Bootstrap Size parameter you can find under the AS Superfish menu Advanced options tab.

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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