Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

Hi ... during installation, do I select MySQLi or MySQL for this template or do they both work?
Hello TRIP278,
You have to select MySQLi.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi I'm having difficult doing simple things. For example the article called "About Us" won't let me change it's image to something else. The path in the templet is wrong. The file is not at the shown path yet it still appears in the article. When I select a different file and save it then it still keeps the current image in place. Very wierd. Also I can't hide the title. These are simple tasks I do all the time. Why is this not working here?
Hello TRIP278,
Here is a path to random images:

The title you can hide using the module options:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi again... new problem that may or may not be related to my previous issue. I was looking at as-slider and I clicked to show the title. It worked. Then I clicked on hide title, that didn't work. Now I can't hide the title again.
Hello TRIP278,
What is your site url please, in case to help you we must to see it.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello TRIP278,
For checking this issue we need an access to your Joomla admin panel, the access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello TRIP278,
The Show Title parameter of the AS ArtSlider module was set to Show, we changes it to Hide and the title eliminated from your website.

Regards, AS Team.
"Hello TRIP278,
The Show Title parameter of the AS ArtSlider module was set to Show, we changes it to Hide and the title eliminated from your website.

Regards, AS Team."

This bothers me. I did this same thing also also and it would not stay hidden. There must be more going on here than meets the eye. Why didn't it work for me? I tried multiple times changing it back and forth and it just remained visible.

"Hello TRIP278,
Here is a path to random images:

The title you can hide using the module options:

Regards, AS Team."

Thanks for the link to the documentation. Why is this information hidden away. Where on the website is the link to that file? How could I have found this on my own? Are these hidden away from me for some reason? Why isn't this available to your template users in the zip file? It should not be hidden away. It's the same with the module positions... this should already have been included in the template package. I feel limited because of all this. It's very painful to be productive when nothing works as it should and when it doesn't there seems to be new info appear form otherwise hidden places. Please advise.

Regarding the path to random.left... if its supposed to rotate all images in that folder that's not working either after I added a second image with the first. It just keeps showing the hands with the key.!

Hello TRIP278,
The template documentation is not hidden, you can find it here:, also you are welcome to check our blog:

Regards, AS Team.
Where do you set the path and how do you configure AS ArtSlider? I know the images are held in the folder images/sampledata/asimage/slider. I want to change the path out of the sample data and I want to add some more images. I've looked everywhere and can't find it.

Hello TRIP278,
The slider documentation you can find here:

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for the slider information. That's what I was looking for.

I now have a couple of new issues ...
1. I made a new featured article for the home page and I can't get rid of the "Welcome" title. I want to know how to do this myself if it's not a bug.

2. For some strange reason all my Gallery images have some unwanted text appear that was not there before. It pushed down the clickable icons I want to fix this myself as well if it's not a bug.

Further to the Gallery, where do I control the location where my new images will be stored?. I'll be making a new directory with my own images and need to know how I configure this. I don't see a Gallery component or plugin anywhere so I can't seem to find out how you've set this up from scratch? I'll be setting this up with my own images in my new folders. Is this a custom gallery you guys did? Thanks
Hi again ... I see my questions have been made view able but I don't see your reply. Usually this happens at the same time so I'm just wondering if all is well.

Hello TRIP278,
1. The 'Welcome' title you can delete/edit in your Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Home Menu item under Page Display tab please see Page Heading parameter.
2. All Gallery articles and article's images you can find under Our Gallery category in Joomla Articles manager, the category you can change in Main Menu -> Gallery menu item.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello TRIP278,
1. The 'Welcome' title you can delete/edit in your Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Home Menu item under Page Display tab please see Page Heading parameter.
2. All Gallery articles and article's images you can find under Our Gallery category in Joomla Articles manager, the category you can change in Main Menu -> Gallery menu item.

Regards, AS Team.

OK on 1. above, it worked thanks. I cleared out "Welcome" and "Home" that was there.

Regarding 2. above... I have no Articles with a Category of Gallery yet the gallery images are there. I see the Category of "Our Gallery" but again I have no Articles with that Category. I miss being able to sort by Categories in the new Joomla 3!
Hello TRIP278,
All gallery articles you can find under 'Our Gallery' category in your Joomla admin panel, you may to edit the existing articles or you can create yours exact in the same way.

Regards, AS Team.
OK... I finally found the articles and image paths in the "Sub Categories" of Our Gallery category. Thanks and sorry for the misunderstanding.

Also regarding the Gallery,... How many pictures can be accommodated with this setup? 1. Can I have 120 images for example and do they have to spread over one page? 2. Are there paging options to show 3 pages of 40 each? Thanks
Hello TRIP278,
There is no limit for gallery articles, the number of articles you can manage from the Gallery menu item -> Blog layout page.

Regards, AS Team.
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