Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

Dear Sirs,

I purchase this template. What files conten footer position 50,51,53 information. I need to change footer information in this positions.

Please, help me.

Best Regards,

Hello gytis47,

The answer you can find in the template documentation, please see the following article:

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,
I am sorry for this question. I am not strong programer in PHP.
I placed

<div id='contactlink'>
<a href='' title='Contact Us'>
<img src='images/sampledata/spacer.png' border='0' width='0' height='0' style='border: 0;' /></a>
<div id='searchlink'>
<a href='index.php?option=com_search&view=search&searchword=search' title='Search'>
<img src='images/sampledata/spacer.png' border='0' width='0' height='0' style='border: 0;' /></a>
<div id='homelink'>
<a href='index.php' title='Home'>
<img src='images/sampledata/spacer.png' border='0' width='0' height='0' style='border: 0;' /></a>

to my menu module in position-2 as HTML module .Placed this in custom output text.
And in menu i see this text. Why?
Sorry for this question. Plesase help me.

Best Regards, Gytis47
Hello gytis47,

Did you put it as HTML code?
Default Joomla! WYSIWYG editors may modify the article's code and cause you some issues.
Enter the Joomla! Administration panel, and go to the ”Site -[ello gytis47,

Did you put it as HTML code?
Default Joomla! WYSIWYG editors may modify the article's code and cause you some issues.
Enter the Joomla! Administration panel, and go to the ”Site -] Global Configuration”. Find the option ”Default Editor” and select ”Editor Code Mirror” or ”Editor - None”.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,

Please tell me how to delete block with word HOME. I dont need it.

I need my index site as 002032 index site.

Best Regards

This a title of your home page, in case to eliminate it you have to create Item with Featured Articles, please see the following page, first paragraph:

and put Leading Articles, Intro Articles, Columns and Links to 0 (zero).

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,

How to eliminate this unusable module from my site?
I dont need it.

I can give You acces codes to this site to You E-mail.

Thank You in advance.

Best Regards,

Hello gytis47,
Sorry, which module?

Regards, AS Team
this module or place is between block with photo and text ant footer.
Positions 12-15 and positions 50-53

in Your demo site

no free space between positions 12-15 and 50-53.

and how to redirect to other site? Sample Your demo site

by pressing read more redirect to

Thank You in advance

Best Regards,


Hello gytis47,
That is because our demo home page has 4 featured articles, on your page we see the text with images in modules 12-15, please see the following article for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,

problem not solved. I read instructions ad do everything. Nothing is change.Can You help me?
Can I sent You acces codes of my site to Your E-mail?

Best Regards,

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!

I understud my mistake. everything i OK !!!!

Please help me to redirect to full text as i Your demo page

Thank YOU for Your exellent service

Best Regards,

Hello gytis47,
Here is an example of one of our featured articles, you have to put it as HTML text:

<img src="images/sampledata/as002032/img.quarter.1.png" alt="" title="" width="230" height="140" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sodales venenatis nulla eget porttitor. Pellentesque dui sapien, pharetra sed iaculis cursus, mattis quis nisl. Vivamus blandit felis vitae purus imperdiet ut malesuada lacus aliquam.</p>

<hr id="system-readmore" />
<p><img src="images/sampledata/as002032/img.quarter.1.png" alt="" class="left" />
Curabitur sit amet molestie enim. Morbi convallis imperdiet diam, id varius est ultrices non. Nunc massa erat, convallis id facilisis nec, adipiscing sed orci. Vivamus ultricies elementum arcu, in vehicula erat mollis nec. In ut lorem sit amet leo bibendum dapibus. Integer eu nunc nunc, et blandit nibh. Morbi dignissim ultrices auctor. Mauris convallis auctor tellus sit amet facilisis. Aenean nisi elit, condimentum quis consequat at, egestas at lacus. Vestibulum in laoreet nibh. Etiam ut vehicula felis. Duis congue facilisis odio a faucibus. Duis sollicitudin malesuada augue quis bibendum. Donec quis nibh lacus. Suspendisse mi enim, accumsan in venenatis ac, rutrum eget risus. <br /><br />

Mauris ut sapien ac libero pellentesque varius vitae ut ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla ante nibh, scelerisque id imperdiet quis, dictum ac magna. Cras sollicitudin vulputate lacinia. Donec sit amet sapien ante. Cras consequat consequat semper. In dui elit, fringilla id convallis eu, iaculis ac lorem. Sed sapien ligula, sodales sit amet ultricies eu, facilisis eu quam. Fusce aliquet, nunc at rhoncus venenatis, nisi nibh sagittis ipsum, gravida posuere purus leo et quam. <br /><br />
Curabitur sit amet molestie enim. Morbi convallis imperdiet diam, id varius est ultrices non. Nunc massa erat, convallis id facilisis nec, adipiscing sed orci. Vivamus ultricies elementum arcu, in vehicula erat mollis nec. In ut lorem sit amet leo bibendum dapibus. Integer eu nunc nunc, et blandit nibh. Morbi dignissim ultrices auctor. Mauris convallis auctor tellus sit.

Regards, AS Team.

Dear Sirs,

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Regards,


Dear sirs,

How i can make file download from this template?

I need for example




in download i need to make file download from this article or other place.

Can You help me with this?

Thank You in advance.

Best Regards,

Dear Sirs,

Where i can find module positions for new revision of this template?

Also i see modules is different in new revision.
I need modules in new revision as in old version

Positions 51,52,53

Best Regards,


Hello GYTIS47,

"The template is moved under Bootstraped Framework. The Bootstrap Framework makes it fully responsive to all screen resolutions and aspect ratios. Moreover, thus it carries a lot of useful features, for instance additional HTML elements, set of CSS components, grid system and much more.

The template was fully recreated, changed all module positions and files structure. It will not work just by replacing the previous template version.
We are not guarantee that it will work in the same way like the previous template versions.
Anyway, if you will decide to move to the new version you will need to build your existing site from scratch using the quick-start package. Please do not forget about backups."

The template module position table you can preview on the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Sirs,
thank You for urgent answers.
My next question.

What is there possibility to remove WELCOME article or module from main meniu site? If this possible, please jelp me with this. In this moment i dont need this WELCOME article .
I take template with quick start intall package.
Also i need regulate LOGO dimensions in template header. But only LOGO dimensions. Can You help me with this?

Best Regards,


Hello GYTIS47,
Yes, you can remove it by changing the menu item parameters -> layout and change the intro articles to 0, under the page display tab you have to remove page heading.
The logo you can regulate by editing your logo in image editor, like photoshop.

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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