Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

Hello people from ASTemplates,
I saw in those comments somthing related to the menus and maybe I did not understand it, is it true that in a section I can only have 5 items?
I mean I need to make a left menu and put there 12-15 links to our client pages.
Company 1
Company 2
Company 12
Is it doable? If you can modify this for us I will contact you after I upload joomla and the template...
Also I saw that the last template you published comes with google maps plugin, I hope will be no problem for me to add it to 2032, same question about JoomFish, they will work, right?
Thank you.
Nicolae Cotei
Hello nickvvv,
There is no limit for sidebars menu. The google map plugin are fully compatible with the premium version.
The JoomFish we not tested, sorry.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, i have just uploaded joomla 2.5.3 and saw Joomfish is not yet available, but also saw that this version has a module for translation so i have added also 2 new languages and published the module on position 4, unfortunately nothing appears there, tried before also on 2, but as I understood 2 is special one...Question is can i alter template.css so position 2 to disapear(black and white line on top) and how do I manage my languages so they appear on position 4, or even better instead breadcrumbsload, on the left. Is anyone knowing a better way to make the site in 3 languages, module, addon... because I liked Joomfish but no clue when the publish version for this joomla. Site is on even if nothing good there,
Thanks a lot.
sorry about language things, seems i need to dig more, the problem is not so simple as it was with Joomfish...Language switcher needs a lot of work 'till I can use it.
Maybe because I said sorry, you ignored the rest of my text "Question is can I alter template.css so position 2 to disapear (black and white line on top)" so is it possible? Do I have to erase the lines that refers to this? Thank you very much.
Hello nickvvv,
To eliminate the space under position-2 you have delete the following in the index.php file:

<div class="row1">
<div class="content">
<div id="topnavbar">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="position-2" />
<div class="clear"></div>

to edit the bottom border color you have to make changes in the styles.php file, please look for the following class:

#header .row1
background-color: #<?php echo $header_row1_bgcolor; ?>;
border-bottom: 1px solid #<?php echo $body_bgcolor; ?>;

Regards, AS Team.
thank you verrrry much for your response, detailed and easy to understand, you really rocks :)
Great team, AS Team !
Hello ASteam,
Please help me with Language switcher(module of joomla). I was using Joomfish for my sites but now they have it for joomla 1.5 so I followed the steps that i saw on internet for the Language switcher that is native in joomla. Unfortunately I can not display the switch on site, module works, pages that i have made for different languages can be accesed in different languages when I modify "en" to "ro" or "de" in the address bar, but there is no language displayed in the switcher.
Site is
Thanks a lot.
N. Cotei
Sorry, we are not providing free support for third-party extensions, you have ask for our services:

Regards, AS Team.
Maybe I did not spell all right or you hadn't read all what I wrote... It is about displaying that joomla thing that let me chose languages on my site pages, I folowed all steps that are specified in joomla help but it apears something is not displayed correctly, can you please just take a look on site? Site name is, no addon or other things installed except template. Just 3 contact pages, 1 home and top menu created. If you need administration privileges those are in a message I just sent to you.
Thanks again.
Sorry, the problem is not related to the template, please check the following article for multilangue implementation on your site.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 5 Product
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