Hi there, just to say that we use this premium template and have a problem on Ipad, Iphone. A white band appears on the right of the page and eats the top menu in position-2 for languages.
You can see on our site: http://www.jcketz.com/MFL
Thx for a fast issue!
AS Templates
POSTED: 2012-09-21
We are sorry, this template is not responsive template like 002040,
it has a fixed size.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2012-09-22
Ok thank you. Could you please tell me which value I could modify in the css or somewhere else to fit in an Apple format. Which is commonly used nowadays.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2012-09-22
It can't be just modified, you have create css classes for iPad and classes for iPhone, there is a lot of work.
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You can see on our site: http://www.jcketz.com/MFL
Thx for a fast issue!
We are sorry, this template is not responsive template like 002040,
it has a fixed size.
Regards, AS Team.
It can't be just modified, you have create css classes for iPad and classes for iPhone, there is a lot of work.
Regards, AS Team.