Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

Hi to AS-Team,
on “home” of your Template 002032 you see 1 Article of the Categories:
Meeting Rooms, Guest Rooms, Luxury Suits and Banquet Suite.
I would like to change this, that I see the 4 Categories at “home”, same like the view in “Our Hotel”. There you also see the 4 Categories of “Our Hotel”.
I already try and search 2 days, but don’t have any idea how to do.
Thanks for your help,
Hello STOKLA61,
What is your website url please? Have you installed this template using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
Hey AS-Team,
yes, I use the quick-start Installation, but still just on my laptop with XAMPP.
I think, I found a way how I can do. I use 4 custom Modules.
Thanks, Klaus
Hello AS Team,
I just changed the pictures in the Articles of the Testimonials1 & 2, and now the Text is not be shown in the Website. What can I do?
URL and Login you find in my "My Purchased Items" Nr. 002032.
Thanks, Klaus
Hi AS-Team,
because of my last Problem with the testimonials I also found out, that if I open an Article and save without doing any changes, the Article-Text not appears in the Website view.
I checked already all settings of the Module and Articles, but found no differences to an clean installation of that Template.
Thanks, Klaus
Hi AS-Team,
I found the reason!!!
In the article code-view the first line is:
<div class="blockquote">&nbsp;</div>
If I delete “&nbsp;” out from the line and save the article, it works again in the website.
Maybe it is because I am using the jce-Editor.
Thanks and a nice Weekend!
Hi AS Team,
is it possible to add the code for a new icon to my bootstrap.css and use it in my website?
I wold like to use an icon for Telegram and Messenger, or an equal one like the icon fa-location-arrow "\f124" in here:
Hello STOKLA61,
Yes, you can try to add it.

Regards, AS Team.
I tried, but there only comes a placeholder :-(
Have I to change something else somewhere?
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
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