Joomla! Template 002033 - Item Support

how can I activate the round buttons in the banner: Home, Contact us and map ?
Sorry, we don't have such parameter in the template.
Hello ..

thanks your answer.
but you have this round bottons in the header.
on the right side this 3 round and orange buttons.
they are there in your template on your website.

How I can activate them ?
Sorry for misunderstanding, please see the following article:
You need module configuration position-3.
I need for the social links the Icon for the Network *XING*
where I can get it ?
You can download it here:

how I can set in the news-module ( position-43 ) the link to ”read more” as textversion like in your template ? I always get a button there.
Hello ThomasJ,
As example you may use the following source code in the custom HTML module:

<h4>Oct 20, 2011</h4>
<div class="post">
<a href="#">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte adipiscing elit oran. Duis incore tempor nibhafere quisque at convallis nulla avara vestibulum. Nulla tincidunt neque ac mauris ...
<div class="more">
<a href="#">Read More...</a>

Regards, AS Team.

thanks your help.

but the text is left and direct on the line of this news-menu. how I can make a small distance away from this line like the titel ”NEWS” in this menu. also I think the ”read more...” text should be closer by the news text. the distance from the text to read more is to big. you can see it here:

Regards TOM
Hello ThomasJ,

You have to put your text in the paragraph: <p>Your text here</p>
Please see our example, from the previous post.

Regards, AS Team.

thanks your answer.
I have made a paragraph now... but the text t is still at the left side at the line of the menu frame. I would like to have a small distance from this frame.
Hello ThomasJ,

OK, we see the problem, your module type is: Articles-Newsflash, you have to replace it with Custom HTML, please see the following article:

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 3 Product
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